Lifestyle Changes May Lower Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence

Sharon Moore May 29, 2014

Making healthy lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and proper diet, can reduce the possibility of breast cancer recurring, according to a new study.

Researchers from Yale Cancer Centre carried out two studies to assess the impact of healthy lifestyle in the recurrence risk of breast cancer.

In the first study, obese or overweight women were randomised into two groups — those who received weight loss and exercise counselling — and a usual care group that received a brochure about lifestyle changes.

After six months, women in the weight loss counselling group experienced an approximate 30 per cent decrease in C-reactive protein (CRP) levels compared with a minimal decrease in women randomized to the usual care group. CRP is a marker of chronic inflammation and higher CRP levels have been associated with a higher risk of breast cancer mortality.

A dose-response effect was observed in in women randomised to weight loss counselling. This means that the more the woman improved her lifestyle, the less the risk.

In the second study, called the hormones and physical exercise (HOPE) study, looked at the effect of exercise on body weight, body fat, and inflammatory biomarkers in 121 women with joint pain from taking cancer medications (aromatase inhibitors, or AI).

Participants were randomised into two groups — those who participated in twice-weekly strength training and 2.5 hr/wk of moderate-intensive aerobic exercise — and those who did no exercise (control group).

After 12 months, the study found that the exercise group experienced an approximate 3 percent weight and body fat loss, and 6 per cent decrease in CRP levels compared to increases in the control group.

Previous findings from the HOPE study showed exercise improved AI-associated joint pain, but results from this analysis of favourable decreases in body weight, fat and CRP found these markers did not facilitate the beneficial effect of exercise on AI joint pain.

Further HOPE analyses will be conducted to determine the mechanism(s) of how exercise improves AI joint pain.

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Lifestyle Changes Can Lower Risk of Breast Cancer Recurring