Is your inner perfectionist stopping you?

Rosemary cunningham Reflexology, Emmett Technique, Bowen Therapy in Hadleigh, Benfleet October 30, 2014

I’ve had a project that I’ve been holding back this year. I know the work is powerful, I’ve seen it work for clients but I’m just hesitant to get it out there and really stand behind it.  Why? My recovering perfectionist is holding me back. 

I’ve made a series of three videos where I share something that changed my life in a huge way last year and I’ve been teaching this to clients as I’ve been mastering the new skills.

 A bit of me thinks I’m not qualified to teach this as it wasn’t my original idea.  The force to hold back has been a really powerful one and has led to me creating all sorts of road blocks that have needed to be painfully and ponderously circumvented!

Is YOUR inner perfectionist stop you?

As a coach myself, this has been so interesting and I recognise my own pattern.  Several times I’ve created something new and exciting and just don’t quite get it off the ground so I abandon the project.  It’s certainly worth analysis as I’m just not allowing life changing ideas to be found by others who need them. 

Have you heard that there are no new ideas?  But, on side of the coin, no one loves a copier. We aren’t impressed when someone takes our ideas and makes them their own.  We talk about plagiarism and we have all sorts of laws to protect our ideas and words.  Copying may be the highest form of flattery but it’s never that appealing to see someone wearing the same dress as you or dying their hair the same colour!  

On the other hand, we learn a new technique and we qualify to practice or teach it.  I trained a long time ago in Reflexology, Bowen and massage and I would never be criticised for using the same techniques that I was taught and making a living from using them to heal clients.   So why am I so paranoid about teaching what I’ve learnt, put my own spin on and am now helping others with it?  That perfectionist again!

So, where does this leave me with my videos?  To get out of my own way and get them out there!   My videos are about the missing ingredient which gave me the ease in my business that I’d been seeking for 21 years, I learnt to tap into the energy of my business.  

You start by getting in your heart.

I had heard from several spiritual mentors how by getting in our heart space we can access our intuition and guidance but not until last year did I really learn an easy way to do that and have been practicing ever since!    

Before writing this article, I took some deep breaths and visualised a little elevator taking me down into my heart space.  With my eyes closed, quietly I dropped into my Success Signature, my gifts that I’ve learnt are the essence of me and what I bring into the world through my business. 

What will your Success Signature be? 

My Success signature is about having fun and laughter, lightness and joy, being curious about people and what makes us happy.  It’s about adventure, driving a truck around America by myself and not hesitating about doing scary things when I’m travelling.  If you’re curious to find out and learn how to access your heart space whenever you need calm and a quiet place to make decisions, please watch the videos I’ve been holding back!

You can go to

You’ll receive a video each day for three days there are forms to download to make life easy for you.

I’m so looking forward to hearing about your Success Signature and what you find in your heart space!

Rosemary Cunningham has run her own complementary therapy business for twenty one years. Rosemary is an intuitive coach who helps women find their purpose, run authentic heart centred businesses and also to have a happy, healthy relationship with money.