How to Workout in 20 Minutes or Less
If you’re like most people, spare time may be hard to come by. Work, school, family, friends, or other priorities take up your time. Exercise may only be an afterthought. But, some exercise is better than no exercise, so make the most of the time you have to work off those extra pounds. Many exercise programs realize the time crunch most people have and have responded with great workouts for twenty minutes or less.
Jillian Michaels
Jillian Michaels, who is said to be the toughest trainer on television, offers DVD’s for people looking for short workouts. Typically, they are about 25 minutes which includes your warm-up and cool-down. Don’t be deceived by the 20-minute length of time. The DVD packs a punch and promises to give you great results in 30 days. Full body workouts with lots of “muscle confusion” are supposed to tone up your body and burn fat efficiently. Cardio, strength, and abs are three major areas of focus, all combined into 20 minutes of intense exercise.
Holly Perkins and Exercise TV
Holly Perkins provides 20-minute training online for free here. Exercises are done in 30-second sets in circuits to get “tight buns, lean thighs, strong shoulders, and a slender waistline.” All that you need is a yoga mat and light (along with your computer of course). Also found on are plenty of other workouts with video instruction of yoga poses, stretches, strength exercises, and ways to trim the pounds—all for free. Learn quick circuit training, along with kickboxing, Pilates, body sculpting, and more in your home and under a cent.
Guild Your Own Workout
If you don’t have the video workouts, lunges, pushups, leg lifts, dips, and many other exercises can also be done in the comfort of your home in less than 20 minutes and can give you great results. You don’t need a gym pass to look good, and you don’t need two hours a day to do it. So skip the drive to the gym and the monthly payment. Looking good can take only 20 minutes several times a week. That’s probably much less than you spend on the couch watching television and snacking on cookies. So try out the resources above to workout on a time budget and feel sculpted soon. It has probably never been this easy to work out and you should take advantage of the great options that are out there for you.
About the author: Diane Johnson primarily writes about continuing education and anything else that interests her. She enjoys traveling, reading, sledding, and sports.
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