How to Make Your Day Less Stressful

Amy Taylor February 11, 2015

In this oh-so busy world, we need a constant reminder to slow down, breathe and just let ourselves be. However, many of us feel guilty about relaxing when they shouldn’t, at all. Relaxation is essential to our physical and mental health. With all the stresses we go through on a daily basis, we all deserve to have some downtime every day.

So you don’t feel guilty whenever you relax, or forget about it, it is important that you make an effort to make relaxation a part of your routine. And here are some tips on how to do it.

Start by having a healthy breakfast.

When you are less stressed, the little relaxation you would need. This works especially if you’re too busy that you rarely have a few moments to just sit back and take a nap perhaps. And if you want your stress levels at bay, it is important that you start your day right. And what could be a better way to do it than to have a healthy, delicious and filling breakfast! Make sure your plate contains good amount of protein, good fats and complex carbohydrates. These foods are going to sustain your energy levels all throughout the day.

Make bedtime gadget-free.

You probably know that drinking too much coffee in the afternoon, or having varying bedtime schedule, can keep your sleep cycles out of whack. But there’s mounting evidence that a common habit of many, which involves using their phones or laptops at night before sleeping, does have the same effect. Studies suggest that these devices emit blue light that hampers our circadian rhythm, thus, preventing us from having a deep and restful slumber.

Ditch one bad habit by replacing it with a good one.

Our unhealthy habits can greatly keep our stress levels high. But apart from that, they also increase our risk of developing health problems. But the secret to a less stressful life is not just dropping unhealthy habits, but replacing them with good ones. For instance, to slowly do away from your sedentary lifestyle, set ten minutes of your day performing an exercise routine. Then gradually increase the frequency and intensity until you’ve developed such great, stress-reducing habit of physical exercise.

Start moving more.

You may think that sitting in your desk for hours is not stressful at all. But your body is designed to move, not just sit there. In fact, people who sit more tend to have problems dealing with stress more often than those who move more.

Practice emotion regulation.

Often, the source of great stress are our emotions. If you often burst out in anger whenever you encounter small nuisances, then you need to work on improving your emotion regulation skills. Regulating your emotions does not mean denying them or suppressing them. It’s being aware of them but not letting them take control of your actions and decisions.


Napping is a great relaxation activity you can do even at work, during your break. Instead of browsing Facebook or reading emails, turn off your computer screen, get a pillow, rest your feet on to something, and take a nap. A 30-minute nap can do great wonders in your stress levels.

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