How to Find Motivation When You’re Depressed

Lisa Franchi May 30, 2014

One of the hardest things about being depressed is finding the motivation to carry on with your daily tasks and responsibilities. Depression can be physically and emotionally draining that even the simplest tasks can seem unbearable. You may feel lethargic, tired and exhausted that all you want to do is sit there, and get drowned in your negative thoughts once more.

Creating the motivation to pursue your daily tasks can be hard when you’re depressed because your instinct is to wait for your energy to return, which rarely happens. Great news, there are things you can do to harness your willpower and improve your condition. Here are some of them:

Act against your emotions.

One technique that can help you create motivation when you’re depressed is the Dialectical-Behavioural Therapy – an offshoot of cognitive behavioural therapy. The idea is to force yourself to do something you know is good for you in order to prevent the reinforcement of a bad habit. For instance, if you want to sit on the couch all day long and watch TV (which you know can make you even more depressed), you just get up and do the opposite – be active.

Set your alarm.

During tiring times like this, using an alarm clock can be most helpful. Set your alarm in the morning so you don’t end up staying in bed all day long. If you have an important meeting to attend, or an appointment, set your alarm as well. A constant reminder of your daily tasks can keep you motivated to do what you have to do.

Dress up.

Take a long, cold shower, brush your teeth, apply makeup, and wear a pretty dress. Even if you just work from home, dress up! Doing this increases your urge to lounge because again, you are reinforcing in your brain that you are getting ready for something.

Move around.

Sweating it out is one way to boost your motivation and get your body going. Choose an exercise that works for you. You don’t have to force yourself to do an intense workout. You simply go with walking, swimming, running, or gardening.

Schedule your tasks/activities.

Schedule your tasks according to your energy levels. If you think you have more energy in the morning, you may want to do tougher jobs and reserve the lighter ones in the afternoon. For bigger projects, consider creating a timeline of at least one or two weeks (more if necessary). Break a big task to smaller ones. And don’t forget to incorporate activities that give you pleasure, such as your hobbies and passion.

Connect with people you love.

Being with people you love, including your friends and family is one way to boost your mood. And when you’re feeling good, you are more likely to motivate yourself to hit your daily goals. Remember that the more you remove yourself from the environment of depression, the better your chance of recovery.

Go out.

Leaving the house can be one of the most difficult challenges people with depression face. One reason for this is not having a place to go. When your depressed, even the most entertaining places can be boring and less amusing. But you don’t have to be somewhere far, different or extraordinary to reap the benefit of going out. Just take a short walk around the neighborhood or invite a friend for a cup of coffee, go to the mall and shop, or walk your dog in the park.

Undergo psychotherapy.

Bear in mind that the lack of motivation and desire to go out aren’t the cause of depression. They are a symptom. Psychotherapy is a great place to learn more about coping strategies and techniques to find motivation. It is also an avenue to prevent further episodes, reduce severity, and get rid of depression altogether. Psychotherapy also helps you deal with internal issues that are causing the depression still need to be addressed.

Whilst these tips won’t help you get rid of depression, they can improve your mood and help you stick to your daily tasks and activities. Don’t wait until you feel like it. When you are depressed, you don’t wait for motivation to come, it just doesn’t. But you can do something to harness your willpower and carry on with your life.