How to Feel Happier in 5 Minutes

Judy Bartkowiak NLP / Life Coaching on Skype and Bucks/Berks June 19, 2014

Do you have times when you just feel low and grumpy for no apparent reason?

Here are some quick fix tips to make a difference.

1.       Think about how you’d like to feel instead. Look up and to your right (if you’re left handed this will be reversed) and imagine what you’d like to see instead. Picture yourself in the situation you’d like to be in and give it sound, colour and action, like a movie. Imagine it’s happening right now. Enjoy!

2.       Smile! Stretch those face muscles and think of something or someone you love. Imagine they are there with you now and smile at them.

3.       Move! When we sit still in one place we dwell on our feelings and they can become bigger and bigger that they overwhelm us. Instead, ideally go for a walk and notice all the things around you, look up, left and right and enjoy your surroundings. If you can’t do that right now because you’re at work or it’s night-time, find an excuse to walk around, do an errand or go get the coffees, run up and down the stairs and get that oxygen pumping.

4.       Music can cheer us up really quickly so get your smartphone out or your iPhone, get music on your PC and get that foot tapping, sing along if you can because that gets the facial muscles moving.

5.       Meet up with a friend and do something you enjoy whether that’s a good chat, sport, watching a movie or a meal out. Do something for yourself for a change.

If you feel grumpy quite a bit, perhaps some NLP therapy will help.