How to Boost Your Energy without Caffeine

Rebecca Lewis November 22, 2013

Recently, a study found that caffeine in the afternoon could cause havoc on your sleep even if consumed six hours before bedtime. A little caffeine to start your day is not bad. But relying on it to power your body all through the day can do more harm than good. The good news is – there are plenty of natural energy boosters that work the same, if not much better than caffeine! Here are some of them:

Switch on the light

There’s really a reason that bedtime takes place at night. It’s because bright lights awaken your brain. However, not all rays are equally stimulating.  Earlier this year, experts from the Lighting Research Centre in New York found that red light is a stronger afternoon wake-up call than blue light. However, “with red light you are going to have more of an irritable, edgy alertness, whereas with blue, you’re going to have more of a calm alertness." says Dr Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., an internist and fatigue expert. He recommends installing blue lamps in workstation and saving red lights for the bedroom as it often translates into sexual energy.


It’s no secret that physical activity can amp your energy levels in no time. But gardening, which experts consider a workout, does have more benefits than riding on a stationary bike. Why? The answer is simple – it’s super fun. There’s really something special with the act of touching the soil, digging in the dirt, and watching something beautiful comes out of it. According to Teitelbaum, doing something you love is one of the best ways to get a sustained, healthy level of energy.

Eat complex carb

White flour (like that found in most breads, cakes, cookies and doughnuts) is going to give you an energy boost, but then a ‘crash’ so you will feel sluggish after a few minutes. A study published in the journal Appetite found that people who replaced three servings of refined carbs with whole grains reported significant increase in their energy levels. Choose complex carbs like oats, brown rice or bread, seeds and beans for breakfast. An energy-packed breakfast meal doesn’t just help you get going throughout the day; it also keeps your satiety levels high so you feel less hungry.

Learn something new

It’s three in the afternoon and you’re feeling sluggish already. What to do? A survey by the University of Michigan in the US found that the most common strategies people do to energise their mind and body are to check mails, switch tasks and make a to-do list. Unfortunately, none of these strategies improved their energy levels. What did? Learning something new. When your brain is new to something, it manages to stay active for as long as possible. So instead of gulping a big cup of coffee, you may consider watching a “how-to” video, reading an informative article online, and the like.

Massage your ears.

All your body’s acupressure meridians or energy pathways pass through your outer ear. According to Teitelbaum, massaging the ear unites all of the meridians and gets the energy flowing. Simply pinch the rim of each ear between your thumb and pointer finger, and rub up and down for 10 to 30 seconds. Try it. You will be surprised!

Tune in to your favourite songs.

Music is indeed energising, especially if you sing along – that’s according to a research team from London. They found that singing solo increases energetic arousal and decreases tension nearly as much as a cardio workout. To get over that afternoon dizziness, choose a song that really engages you – the one that makes you sing on top of your lungs. And don’t just sit there. Stand up and imagine you’re on your own concert! Rock it baby!


No, this won’t make you feel sluggish or sleepy. Meditating is one of the best strategies to ward off anxiety and stress that you experience on a daily basis. Give yourself at least 30 minutes to meditate each day. This won’t just boost your energy levels, but also your overall health and well-being!

See, there are better energy-boosting ways than drinking coffee. Try any of these natural techniques and tell us if it worked for you.