Habits that Take a Huge Toll on Your Mental Health
Just as you take good care of your body, you also want to take good care of your mind. A healthy mind is a happy and resilient mind so it is important that we nurture it. There are many practices, such as meditation and yoga, which promote mental health. But no matter how often we meditate or do yoga, if we stick to the following habits, we will always be prone to experiencing mental health problems.
Not exercising.
Not exercising doesn’t just put your body in a bad condition. It also puts your mental health at risk. Research shows that people who exercise at least three times a week are 19 per cent less likely to de depressed compared to those who have sedentary lifestyles.
Happy tip: Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous workouts per week. Maybe this is the right time to sign up for a gym membership or learn a new sport. Add more ‘movements’ in your daily life. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking your car a few meters away from your office, and walking your dog every morning are ways to increase your levels of physical activity.
Taking pictures of everything.
Do you take photos of your breakfast, lunch and dinner? How about the outfit you are going to wear for the day? While it can be fun, snapping pictures of everything can hamper how your brain remembers those memories, according to research. In a study published in the journal Psychological Science, participants who snapped photos while in a museum tour had a hard time remember the items they photographed compared with the ones they looked at. The reason is that when we take photos, we actually focus on the act of capturing images, not in experiencing the moment.
Happy tip: Focus on your subjects when taking pictures. Or better, just enjoy the moment. Let your brain capture not just the images but the actual memories. Your brain is the best hard drive for those fun and happy moments.
Entertaining bullies.
It’s true - you can’t please everyone. Some people are going to like you. Some are not. Bullying doesn’t end in school. It happens in the workplace too. Letting bullies affect your daily life and how you view yourself can greatly impact your mental health. It may even lead to serious conditions like depression. Bullies attack your self-esteem. And they won’t stop until you put down your defences and submit to them.
Happy tip: Don’t believe what they say. Bullies are happier when you are affected. Talk to your superior and discuss this issue. It is a major concern that needs to be addressed.
Staying in toxic relationships.
Have you been in a ‘love and hate’ relationship all these years? Have you been trying to forgive so many times an abusive partner? Now is the time to do yourself a favour and leave that person. Everyone deserves to be in a relationship where they can grow as a person, unleash their potential, follow their dreams, be respected, and feel valued.
Happy tip: It may be difficult to find your way out from a toxic relationship. You may need help on this one. If you were able to successfully do so but you feel like you haven’t recovered, talking to a counsellor may be a great idea. Your therapist can guide you in your journey towards healing and reviving your self-worth.
If you’re avoiding a task because you find it boring or you are too tired to do so, it’s fine. Maybe it isn’t the right task for you. But if you are avoiding it because you are too anxious to do it or you are afraid that you might fail, that’s called procrastinating and it’s not good for your mental health.
Happy tip: Before you tackle a challenging activity or task, allow yourself to gain focus and energy. To reduce the anxiety, try listening to music, taking a stroll or doing a ten-minute high-cardio workout. This way, you are preparing your mind, not stressing it our further.
Taking life seriously.
When was the last time you went out with your friends? When was the last time you took a break from work? Travelled? Laughed out hard? Or did something that really connects with your passion? If you can’t remember any, you must be taking life too seriously, which is not good for your mental health.
Happy tip: Don’t underestimate the power of humour in your daily life. Watch a funny movie, laugh hard, get silly, and have pure fun. You deserve it!