Great Reasons to Drink Chocolate Milk after Workout

Rebecca Lewis August 12, 2015

When you go to the gym, the last thing you want to do is to bring a carton of chocolate milk. If you’re like most people, what you usually bring is a sport drink or just plain water. But believe it or now, drinking chocolate after a workout session can have a great deal of benefits to your body.

Here are the top reasons why.

You will feel more energised.

Consuming carbohydrates after workout is a great way to replenish lost energy. And a great source of healthy carbs is chocolate. A cup of warm chocolate milk also contains a dose of protein, which helps replenish and reenergise your muscles.

You’ll replenish your electrolytes.

When you hear the word ‘electrolytes’, surely chocolate will not enter your mind. What you probably can think of are sports drinks or banana (as it contains more potassium which aids in reducing muscle pain and fatigue). But chocolate milk actually contains higher levels of potassium and more electrolytes than your favourite energy drink. Banana and a glass of milk chocolate shake = a great post-workout meal combo.

It’s great for your bones.

Another reasons to drink chocolate – it’s good for your bones! Cocoa contains a substance that promotes healthier bones, including teeth. Just a cup of chocolate milk contains as much as one-third of your body’s daily requirement of Vitamin D which strengthens your bones and teeth. There are more side benefits of getting enough vitamin D, and this includes lowering the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

It makes you perform better.

If consumed before working out, dark chocolate can greatly boost your performance. In a study carried out by scientists from University of California, San Diego, it was found that cacao’s primary nutritional ingredient, known as epicatechin, and had the mice work out. Epicatechin is a flavanols, a class of molecules that are thought to have widespread effects on the body.

It’s a great recovery drink!

According to a study published in the Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, the high amount of carbohydrate and protein in chocolate milk is perfect for replenishing tired muscles. Plus, it packs a nutritional bonus of calcium which keeps you feeling energised after.

To reap the most out of chocolate milk, it is much better to prepare your own, using raw ingredients (real cacao and fresh milk). Buying the canned/boxed version does not ensure that you are getting only the nutrients you need. What’s more, most products out there contain lots of sugar.