Friendships that Aren’t Worth Keeping
Friends. We need them in our life. Happiest people are those who are not just physically and mentally tough, but also have strong social relationships.
Research shows that friendships are central to our health and well-being. But not all friendships are created equal. Negative friendships can cause frustration, stress and can even put you in harm. Yes, there can be toxic friends too.
So take time to examine your social circles. Who are your good friends? And who are those who seem genuine but are really not?
Below are five types of friends you should remove from your life:
Those who betrayed you many times.
Humans as we are, there are times that our friends do let us down. And everyone deserves a second chance. So where do you draw the line? Unfortunately, personal relationships are complex. But if you have a friend who seems to make it a habit to betray you and break your trust, then that person is really not your friend.
Those who negatively influence your health.
Do you have a colleague who drags you to smoking and heavy drinking? Does he or she discourages you from eating healthy, exercising and making healthy choices? A true friend cares about your health. If you feel like your friendship with someone forces you to engage in negative behaviours and habits, it’s time to back off.
The negative Nancy.
Moods, good or bad, are contagious. And it is true both in real life and social media networks, according to the researchers from University of California, San Diego. So the more you spend time with negative people, the more you become just like them. Does your friend make you feel positive and optimistic during conversations? Or do you end up feeling worse? Of course, we all have good and bad days. If your friend is going through a trying time, it is normal to be carried away with the drama. But if it has become a chronic pattern of pessimism and negativity, it’s time to consider phasing them out from your life.
Those who don’t want you to grow or move forward.
You probably have a friend or two who doesn’t want you going through a major change. But real friends are supportive individuals who want nothing but the best for you. Whether it’s about your career, love life, or any other areas of your life – true friends are able to support you, and back you up on times when things aren’t going out well. Friends don’t envy each other. They help each other climb the ladder up to success.
How do you know you have the right friendships? The most important question you must ask yourself is this – can you see them in your future? If you don’t think you can remain friends for a long period of time, why continue? If you think this friendship is going to last for years, then it is worth keeping. If you are confused, or if you feel like this friend is any of the kinds of people mentioned above, perhaps it’s time to let go. There are over 7 billion people in the world. You will surely find someone to call your true friend.
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