Four New Year’s Resolutions for A Happier and Healthier Life
This 2016, one of your main goals should be to take care of yourself more. As we go back to the reality - hectic lifestyle and work - it is too easy to neglect our own physical and emotional needs. You probably have made weight loss one of your New Year’s resolutions. But apart from this, there are some more things you should start prioritising this year for a happier and healthier life.
Start being grateful.
If you spent most of your 2015 complaining and ranting about the not-so-good events that took place, this 2016 - make it your goal to be more grateful. Learn to appreciate the small things life offer you. There are so many things to be grateful for. We just don’t seem to notice them most of the time because we are too focused worrying and thinking about our future goals. Stop pursuing other goals and desires until you fully appreciate what you have. When you learn to acknowledge all that you have - big or small - you become more inspired to do better and fly higher.
Get a digital detox.
Progress in the field of technology is never-ending. Each year, we anticipate great technological creations we didn’t know possible. This 2016, we expect better and more sophisticated mobile and smart phones, computers, tablets, and a whole lot more - all those gadgets that make us stay ‘connected’ 24/7. But there is a big downside on being too much ‘connected’ online. And it’s being ‘disconnected’ to the real world. How often did you meet with your closest friends for a cup of coffee or dinner? How often did you prefer chatting with then online instead? There is a big difference between social media and personal or face-to-face interaction, the latter being the best form of communication. Nothing beats seeing the people you love real close, sharing genuine laughter with them, and hearing their voice as they speak. This 2016, make it a promise to yourself to spend more being with your friends and family. Set up a lunch date or a house party for your first get-together for the year!
In this so stressful world, finding peace of mind can be a real challenge. But there is one simple strategy you can do to achieve peace and calmness: meditate. This mind-body exercise has been around for thousands of years. And recent studies have shown that meditation can have so many amazing benefits to our physical and mental health, from sharper memory to weight loss and emotional regulation. Mindfulness is a skill that you can learn through constant practice. And once you developed this skill, you will realise how it can make your life less stressful and happier.
Of course, working out shouldn’t be eliminated from your New Year’s resolutions. Not only does it help you lose weight big-time, but regular exercise is a great avenue for stress relief. It clears your mind, refuels your body, strengthens your self-confidence, and make you feel so much better. Combine it with a balanced diet and you benefit from a fitter and healthier body.
Like last year, 2016 can be full of both amazing and challenging moments. But as long as you take good care of yourself, you will triumph in whatever endeavour you choose to pursue this year. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!
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