Food Myths: Separating Facts from Silliness

Lisa Franchi February 07, 2013

Our main source of nutrition is food. It is therefore necessary that we carefully choose what we eat and drink. If you think you are observing a healthy diet just because you regularly eat fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and all other ‘healthy’ stuff, think again! The way we prepare food, the product we choose, and the amount we eat are all important in maintaining a healthy mind and body.

Here are the popular food myths and the truth behind them!

Organic foods are healthy.

Many people spend lots of money on organic vegetables, fruits and meat thinking that these products are more nutritious than those that are industrially produced. But an emerging body of research suggests that organic foods are no healthier than inorganic products. According to Stanford researchers, many people prefer organic foods for many reasons, from environmental concerns to the quality of taste. But when it comes to individual health, there isn’t much difference.

Pasteurisation makes food healthier

Heating is one great way to destroy harmful microorganisms from food, but this process can also destroy even the healthy bacteria. Basically, our body needs a considerable amount of probiotics (the good bacteria) to maintain the health of our immune system and digestive system. These healthy microorganisms are also essential in beating the effects of bad bacteria and preventing the onset of some of the most debilitating illnesses.

Foods with microbes are dangerous to our health.

The word ‘germs’, ‘microbes’, and ‘bacteria’ often give us an eerie feeling. Well, who wants to get infected with bacteria? But the truth is, not all bacteria are bad. As mentioned, some microbes play a critical role in a healthy gut and a strong immune system. There are however, some bacteria that are harmless under normal conditions. But when they run out of control, these microbes become sterile. This is perhaps the reasons why many doctors recommend eating yogurt, kimchi, kefir, and pickled fruits and vegetables because they contain lots of microbes! The good ones of course!

All meats are the same.

While they all taste delicious, not all pork and beef meats are of the same quality. Pigs that are fed with formulated growth-promoting products are more likely to develop panic attacks. On the other hand, cattle that are fed with grass rather than artificially manufactured feedlots and starches contain more omega-3 fatty acids. Another thing, studies reveal stressed animals yield pale soft exudative flesh which is very harmful to health.

Eating the same healthy food everyday will keep you strong.

Nature has blessed us with a wide range of fruits, vegetables and meat products because we have diverse dietary needs. We are hardwired to eat different foods. Sticking to one source of nutrition, no matter how healthy that food is, will not going to help you achieve optimal health!

Some myths do have a sprint of scientific truth but are still stuffed with silliness. Clinging to these food myths can take a toll on your health overtime. So before that happens, it’s time to clear them out!


Dear Readers,

What other food myths do you know that bring potential harm to our health?

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