Facts that Remind You Not to Take Life Too Seriously
Every day, we are faced with gazillions of stress (yes, it’s just an exaggeration but sometimes that’s how most people feel). From the moment we wake up until the time we go back to bed, we are vulnerable to a host of stressors – from that alarm clock we didn’t hear ringing to the hour-long traffic on our way to work, the missed coffee break, and the annoying, difficult folks we meet from time to time.
So before you give in to the anxiety your stressors bring, it can be helpful to remind yourself of the following life facts that will give you reasons to slow down, be more carefree, and live life less seriously:
Love and relationships are all that matter.
Many studies have been done to figure out what exactly gives us happiness. And all of them point to this: positive social relationship. A lot of people spend the rest of their life trying to earn money. But at the end of their journey, they realise that it’s not money, fame or fortune that make them truly happy. So slow it down. Take that vacation leave you’ve been meaning. Go home early tonight and spend more time with your family. By the time you get old, you are not going to reflect on the time you spent at work, but the family dinners, romantic dates, great vacations, and other special events you’ve shared with your friends and loved ones.
Life is short.
Time is a finite resource. Aside from the fact that we only have one life to live, we’ll never know when we’re going to leave this world, so please – cherish and enjoy all the things that make up life. Do what you need to do to live a happy and fulfilled life. Pursue your passion and give more time to those that matter most to you.
Worrying isn’t productive.
Many people stress themselves about things that are insignificant. If you spend your whole day fussing about how hard the task you’re working on, you are less likely to succeed on it. Worrying is counterproductive. Plus, it makes you more stressed, which in turn, affects your happiness level. So take a step back and laugh at yourself. Loosen up. Let your creativity soar. You can’t come up with a great idea when you are stressed and anxious.
Things aren’t always the way we think they are.
Lastly, remind yourself that your problems are not as difficult as you think they are. You’re not the only person in this world that’s going through something. EVERY ONE IS. The only thing that really matters is enjoying your life as much as you can and helping other people do the same.
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