Easy Ways to Give Up Sugar

Rebecca Lewis June 29, 2016

Sure - many people are addicted to cigarettes and drugs. But while many are not into these things, it’s not a guarantee that they are healthy. Too often, we neglect one important factor that greatly impacts our health: our dietary habits. 

One of the biggest culprit in health is sugar addiction. You may feel like you don’t use too much sugar in cooking but many of the foods we eat, especially processed foods - are infused with sugar. A lot of sugar. A diet that’s high in sugar causes frequent surges in one’s blood sugar levels, leading to an increase in appetite and poor food choices. What’s more, high levels of glucose in the blood is a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease. 

So how do you quit sugar for good? Here are some smart suggestions. 

It all starts with making the right choices. 

If you want to cut back on your sugar intake, you should make it a habit to read the food label every time you go to the grocery. Don’t fall on the marketing hype on the front of the packaging. Dig deeper and go over the nutritional content, especially the list of ingredients used. Sugar hides in many names. They include sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, barley malt, dextrose, maltose and rice syrup.

Boost your probiotic intake.

If you’ve been in a sugary diet for quite a long time now, your body may go through some sort of a shock once you start to cut back on sugar. This is where the probiotics come in handy. A healthy gut requires a balance between the good and bad microbes. If the bad microbes outnumber the good ones, it is not just your digestive system that is compromised, but your overall health as well. Foods like yogurt, Kimchi and sauerkraut are good sources of probiotics.

Eat whole foods.

If your body depends on sugar to maintain its energy levels, you will feel lethargic and sluggish as you cut your intake of it. So it is important that you eat the right food. Whole foods, such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, legumes and whole grains get slowly digested by your stomach. So there is no sudden surge and drop in your energy. Not only that, since these foods are high in protein and complex carbohydrates, and generally low in calorie, you are also benefiting your whole body.  

It is okay to indulge.

You need not cut out sugar completely from your diet. Or else, your craving may just intensify and you may find yourself breaking down and pigging out on sugary snacks. Go ahead and indulge from time to time but make sure to limit your portion sizes. And still, read and compare food labels as sugary snacks may still vary.

Most people have a sweet tooth so cutting back on their sugar intake can be such a big challenge. You may want to go slowly but surely. Just always remember - you can do it!

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