Easy Steps to Achieving your New Year Resolution

Nicky Mitchell NLP, IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) and Counselling in Southampton January 27, 2015

Quite often at the start of each year we set New Year’s resolutions. But how many of us actually manage to stick to them and actually achieve the goals we have set for ourselves?

One of the reasons we tend to fail is simply by the way we think about what we want. We just sabotage ourselves without realising it!

Want to find out how to make those changes once and for all? Use an NLP approach called ‘Well Formed Outcomes’ - its goal-setting technique that works!

NLP is all about re-wiring your brain, like changing the programme on your computer, it allows you to think, act and behave differently!  And the up side is once you know how it’s easy!

Now, think of something you want to change or even that resolution that you are not quite on track with and try these easy steps towards achieving your goal. It may be useful to grab a pen and paper and write your answers down.

Remember to keep your goal in mind, for instance, (e.g. “I want to be fitter”) and ask yourself the following questions:

1.       Positive – What do you want? State it and positively focus on what you want right now, today.

2.       Evidence – How will you know when you have achieved it? What will be different, what will have changed? How will you feel?

3.       Context – Where and when do you want this change? Would it affect all areas of your life or just one or two? Do you want it now or in six months?

4.       Self-achievable – So you need anyone else to be involved? Or can you do it on your own? Do you need any equipment?

5.       Advantages/ disadvantages – What are the advantages of making this change? What will happen? What will be different and how?  Are there any disadvantages to making it? (e.g. less time with family).

6.       Worthwhile – Is it worth the effort?

Once you have all the answers to the above questions then go for it!

2015 will be the year you achieve that goal and all by using this simple NLP technique!