Easy Mindful Morning Rituals to Start Your Day Right

Amy Taylor October 06, 2014

Want to start your day right? What you do in the morning has a significant impact on how you feel for the rest of your day. Here are some ways to start each day toward mindful, happier living:

Stretch your body.

As soon as you wake up, consider doing some stretching exercises. Stretch your neck to the left, right, forward and back, but always return to centre first. Tilt your head with ear toward shoulder, incline your head backward and roll your head from left to right, then right to left in a 30 degree motion. Stretching for a just a few minutes can increase your blood circulation, which is vital in transporting essential nutrients throughout your body.

Write about your dream.

Bizarre as they are sometimes, dreams are powerful tools that can lead you to a more intentional and authentic life. First thing in the morning is the best time to recall your dreams, as your memory about it is still fresh. Unlocking the messages in your dreams is one way to tap into your unconscious mind.

Look forward to a day with a smile.

It’s Monday. And just like all other Mondays, you might be bombarded with a lot of work and responsibilities. But instead of stressing yourself out, look forward to the day ahead. Your perception matters big time. Begin by accepting that your day isn’t going to be an easy one. This way, you can allocate time, effort and energy to get your tasks done efficiently.

Set your intention.

There are probably some responsibilities waiting for you. What it is that you’d like to accomplish today? What is it you’d like to contribute? What it is you want to start today? Be creative. Your first thought is often the best one to turn into an intention.

Do some yoga.

Start with a few standing full body stretches. Then proceed to gentle shoulder roles. Perform some sun salutations. Embrace silence. Breathe in and out. Allow yourself to just be.

Have a tea.

Make your day more refreshing by having a cup of warm tea. Prepare it mindfully. Watch the water boil, slip in a tea bag, take a first sip.

Don’t be overwhelmed by now. Pick just one or two and slowly incorporate them in your daily life. Then add the other morning ritual tips in your daily to-do list. You will be surprised of how these simple morning activities can jumpstart your day and leave you feeling happier and healthier.