Does Your Stomach Hurt? Top Possible Reasons

Lisa Franchi April 13, 2016

Stomach ache can be short-lived and too often, caused by certain food or substances. But if it is something that you experience quite more often, you should not ignore it and have yourself checked as soon as possible. 


Pancreatitis, which is often caused by too much alcohol intake, causes burning pain in the upper or middle abdomen as the pancreas become inflamed. In some cases, it results in bleeding in the gland, infection, cyst formation, and tissue damage. It is a serious disease which requires hospitalisation.  


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) causes pain in the upper stomach and lower chest (heartburn). Eating too much food, especially fatty ones, can make this condition worse. Consider taking medications like antacid to alleviate the pain. Avoid processed foods and eat more probiotics. Your diet should be have more whole foods like fruits and vegetables to avoid this painful condition. 


This condition refers to the inflammation of diverticula - the pocket-like structures that form in the lining of the intestine, usually the colon. Abdominal cramps are very common but in severe cases, especially when the diverticula develops abscesses, bleeding, and even perforations - it can lead to serious tummy ache and would require hospitalisation or surgery. A high-fibre diet is a great for avoiding diverticulitis. Fibre ensures that your digestive system works at its optimal condition and that the nutrients from the food you eat are properly absorbed by your body. 

Lactose Intolerance 

Lactose intolerance is a very common health condition. It could cause discomfort, ranging from milder abdominal pain to bloating, diarrhoea, burping, gas, and indigestion. If you find yourself suffering from tummy ache after snacking on dairy products, you might have lactose intolerance.


The pain caused by ulcer usually takes place in the mid-upper abdominal area and normally occurs after meals. Eating on regular schedule is very important to avoid ulcer. Eating foods that are rich in flavonoids, such as grapes, legumes, berries and apples can greatly help alleviate pain caused by ulcer. Probiotics also help fight ulcer by destroying the bacteria that cause it.  


This condition takes place when cells from the lining of the uterus escape and start to grow in other parts of the body, usually somewhere in the pelvis. It can lead to pain, irregular bleeding and in worse cases, infertility.  

Thyroid Problem 

The thyroid - a very small gland located in the neck does have a lot of roles to play in keeping our body in good shape. An underactive thyroid slows down the digestive tract which could cause stomach pain and gas. 


Stress can cause headache, sleep issues, high blood pressure and other symptoms. It can also lead to digestive problems, including loss of or increase in appetite. Stress may also cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).