Creativity Results From Balance Between The Right And Left Hemispheres
You’ve probably heard or read about the right part of the brain having the key role in stimulating creativity. Countless of books and articles suggest that those who have highly active right brain hemisphere are naturally creative. But that’s not actually the case, claims a new study. The findings revealed that creativity results from how well the two brain hemispheres communicate.
Statisticians David Dunson of Duke University and Daniele Durante of the University of Padova analysed the network of white matter connections among 68 separate brain regions in healthy college-age volunteers.
A research team led by neuroscientist Rex Jung of the University of New Mexico collected the data using an MRI technique called diffusion tensor imaging, which allows researchers to peer through the skull of a living person and trace the paths of all the axons by following the movement of water along them. Computers then comb through each of the 1-gigabyte scans and convert them to three-dimensional maps wiring diagrams of the brain.
They used a combination of tests to assess creativity. Some were measures of a type of problem-solving called "divergent thinking," or the ability to come up with many answers to a question.
The researchers found no statistical differences in connectivity within hemispheres, or between men and women. But when they compared highly creative people with the less creative ones, high-scoring people had significantly more connections between the right and left hemispheres.
The researchers are now developing statistical methods to find out whether brain connectivity varies with I.Q., whose relationship to creativity is a subject of ongoing debate.
Source of this article:
Daniele Durante et al. Bayesian Inference and Testing of Group Differences in Brain Networks, Bayesian Analysis
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