Busy Day? 5 Ways to Pull Through
Being a grownup is never easy. You might be loving the freedom and independence you are having right now, but on the other hand, you are probably struggling with so many responsibilities you carry, from the workplace to your home. As you pursue your goals in life, raise a family, or establish new relationships, you will encounter roadblocks along the way. And sometimes they are too big you can’t just find a way to move forward.
But don’t worry. You can always pull through.
Below are some great strategies that might work really well for you.
Hit the gym. The busier your life is, the more you need to work out - really hard. Exercise is scientifically proven to relieve our mind and body from stress. You may feel that you have no more energy to go to the gym and exercise. But you will be surprised of how even a 30-minute drill can change your mood and lift refuel your batteries! Not only does regular exercise keep stress at bay, it also gives you so much more benefits, including a stronger immunity and lower risk of chronic diseases.
Meditate. Many swear by the power of meditation in lowering stress and keeping the mind healthy and resilient. Simply removing everything that’s going on your mind and focusing on your breathing has tremendous benefits on your mind and body. Frequent meditation helps you think clearly, develop a better perspective, and reduce the possibility of future events stressing you out.
Unplug. You might be spending hours in front of the computer at work. When you get home, make sure to spend some time unplugging. Unplug from technology and do something that resonates with your passion. Connect with nature and savour its calming benefits. Read a book. Take a nap. Prepare a healthy snack. The more you disconnect from the technology, the more you are able to connect with things that truly matter.
Talk to a friend. Too often, we get too absorbed with work that we no longer have time to connect with our loved ones. Friendship is a treasure. It is a priceless gift that you can offer to yourself and to another person. Cherish your friends and spend time with them. Always keep in touch. Research has shown that friendly people are happier and less stressed than their less sociable counterparts.
Keep a gratitude journal. When stress is high, it is hard to remember the good things we have. It is easy to take friends and loved ones for granted. And it is easy to fall into the pit of anxiety or depression. One of the keys to happiness, according to science, is gratitude. Cultivate gratefulness in your heart and you will begin to see life like a glass half full, not half empty.
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