Burned Out? Tips to Put Out the Flames
No matter how satisfied you are with your job or how you love what you are doing, you are not immune to feeling burned out. Doing the same thing over again while juggling with many personal and environmental distractions, can drain you of your calm, energy and good mood.
The good thing is, you can stop the flame from growing even before it starts. Below are the key steps:
Fill your day with positive things.
By doing more of the things that bolster your spirit and energised you, you are keeping burnout at bay. During your break, do something that appeals to you – whether it’s listening to your favourite artist, reading a book, going out for a walk, having a cup of coffee or tea, and so on. Before you rush on checking your emails, spend a few minutes of quality time with your partner, play with your pet, or have a good conversation with a friend. Small positive experiences do a long way to fighting burnout and keeping your balance.
Get your daily dose of REST.
Your body is not a machine. The more it gets tired, the more you become vulnerable to burnout and stress. You need some time to restore your mind and body, and recharge. Quality rest does not only involve getting enough rest. It also involves reconnecting to what really matters most to you. When you know you had enough, pause, breath and relax. Rest has a crucial role to play in your mental health.
Work up a sweat.
Have some pent up frustrations? There’s no better way to get rid of them than to sweat them out. Physical activity has a magical way of keeping burnout at bay. Not only that. It also lifts your spirit and put you in a positive mood.
Chill and have fun.
Laughter’s the best medicine. To ward off the burnout and stress, do something fun and enjoyable. Is there a trip you’ve always wanted to take but never had the time to do? Is there’s a dish you’ve always wanted to try cooking? Now is the time to do it. We all need some avenue to de-stress and escape from all the fuss and hurdles of the world.
Train your muse.
Like any other skill, inspiration can be trained and developed. It can start as unreliable, but it can be learned and improved. So how do you train yourself to be more inspired? Surround yourself with things that inspire you and reflect your goals. Spruce up your space, create a dream board, or play a soothing music while working. You can train your mind to work efficiently in ways that you need to.
Work less.
Many people end up feeling burned out because they tend to overwork. Just because you are overworking doesn’t mean that you are being productive. By working on a clear and well-defined working schedule, you can spend fewer hours on work while still staying productive. Here are a few tips to get started: Eliminate unnecessary tasks. Take strategic breaks. Ditch multi-tasking. And seek help from other people.
You need not be slave to your job. By addressing problems right away, you can keep the balance between your work and personal life. And always remember the popular saying – Work hard. Play harder!
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