Ayurveda for PCOS: How Does It Work?

Varalakshmi Yanamandra - Ayurveda for Infertility May 01, 2015

PCOS is a common condition seen in women ranging from age 15 to 40.  It is one of most common reasons for Infertility in women. It is characterised by Anovulation, hirsutism, hyperinsulinemia and cyst formation in ovaries. It is considered as one of the main reasons for couples choosing IVF as an option. The treatment includes correcting the hormonal imbalance in the body, and regulating insulin levels in blood and ovulation.

According to Ayurveda, PCOS can be described as caused by vitiation of mainly kapha dosha blocking Pitta and Vata causing imbalance in hormones resulting in irregular menstrual cycle, and thereby leading to anovulation. Ayurveda has some of the promising treatments to work on PCOS. Ayurveda describes natural herbs which can restore menstruation and promote ovulation.

Treating PCOS using Ayurveda

·         Treatment regimen includes Kapha allevation via food and exercise, as well as clearing obstruction of Vata and Pitta by herbs and treatments.

·         Mainly Kapha alleviating diet and exercise are recommended. Sarvangasana, matsyasana, ardhamatyasana, pachhomottanasana are beneficial.

·         Drinking a glass of warm water half an hour before lunch.

·         Using all spices except salt are good for kapha.

·         Eating foods that are pungent, bitter and astringent will reduce kapha.

·         “Phala grita” an ayurvedic ghee for clearing hormonal imbalance is highly recommended.

·         Aloevera, satavari, cinnamon, aswaghanda, fennel, ashoka are phytosterols useful in regularising menstrual cycle.

·         “Vasti” and “Virechana” ayurvedic panchakarma treatments are very useful in this condition.