Are You Living The Right Life?
Are You Happy?
There’s a question we all have to ask ourselves. It’s the basis of our lives. Take a moment of silence, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Am I truly happy?” Soulful feeling is just that. No thinking just feeling. Use your emotions as a measurement for your quality of life and really find out if you are shrinking or expanding.
Do You Trust Your Gut Feelings?
On the topic of asking yourself questions, can you ask yourself the questions that only you can answer without external judgement from others? Really believing in yourself without the confirmation of others. The only way to truly get in touch with yourself and trust your gut feelings is simply to get to know yourself, free from fear and doubt. Trusting your instincts is one thing but trusting where they came from is another so allow your inner guardian to lead the way.
Can You Let Go Of The Past?
Holding onto the past, stops our inner guardian from moving on toward a new life. We go on our experiences of the past to determine what will happen in the future, causing us to repeat and repeat, a vicious cycle that can really drag us down. So, instead of reliving your history, cut your ties no matter how painful and bring real power to your choices and create the life you really want. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.
Follow Your Head Or Your Heart?
Your head, the source of reason and logic can often lie; your heart doesn’t. The mind tends to over think, doubt and even makes logic out of situations that don’t require this angle and only serves us so far. The heart is non-linear in comparison, connecting and aligning itself with our soul and true essence, digging deep toward our true potential of who we really are. Like I mentioned before, don’t let your mind restrict you by repeating the past, sometimes it’s best to follow your heart as it knows the path to our greatest happiness.
Have You Healed Any Wounds?
When was the last time life truly challenged you? Though they may be painful and unbelievably testing, they are a great gift, providing you with a means to learn and discover clues to life itself. Our tests and challenges are the source of our potential and indeed our strength. Instead of looking back at how something hurt you, think about what you learnt from it and smile in the knowledge that you still came out the other side, smarter and stronger.
Do You Believe In Life Abundance?
The idea of having lots of everything; money, health, love, is one thing but really believing in abundance is another matter. Are you someone who complains that there isn’t enough love or money, feeling that you always come up short? Abundance is the direct opposite of scarcity and they correspond to the expansion and contraction to life. You can’t hold onto the abundance of money and still clutch onto the scarcity of love, for example. They are completely different energies and need utter commitment to either one but not together. Choose wisely.
How Often Do You Meditate?
Do you take time to remain still, silent and aware of the present moment? Sometimes our western lifestyles rush by at a great velocity, hurling us towards our imminent futures, relying on burning out or a major crisis before we have a time to take a breather and consider the bigger picture. It’s not about taking a massive holiday or meditating for hours on end. Sometimes, all you need is a few seconds to really focus on your surroundings, the rhythm of your breathing and really focus on your state of being. It can work wonders.
Can You Tell A Tale Of Adventure?
Close your eyes (after you’ve read the article of course) and think back to a time when you felt electric, happy and alive. What made you feel that way? Was it love? Was it a sense of freedom or adventure or maybe doing something charitable? When you discover the answer to this question you’ll find a clue to what allows your soul to soar, discovering your natural talents which are essential in harnessing so that you may follow your heart’s calling.
Optimist or Pessimist?
Approaching a new relationship or a job opportunity, you can’t assume the outcome. It does not do to mentally live and disregard your heart and soul. Consider the idea that ‘I don’t know’ and that you will have to journey down the path or look round the corner to truly know what is there. A natural curiosity is healthy and approaching life in this manner will allow your universe to expand and conspire to your will. However, if you remain judgemental and sure of the outcome, you give the universe little chance to cast its magic.
Can You Envisage It And Create It?
Many of us have heard or read the potential of optimistic thinking and creating what we desire but we have to truly know that we have the strength and power to transform our lives in the image of our dreams. To do this, to create that better life, we have to acknowledge the fact that we are the creator of our lives. Not believing in this power allows others to take that key to our happiness and lock it away. Realise your potential and be the owner of that key.
Dear Readers,
Can you suggest any other mindful and thought provoking questions we can ask ourselves?
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