Amazing Health Facts about Parsley

Rebecca Lewis September 13, 2013

Most of us use parsley to make a dish look pretty on a plate. But it’s more than just a garnish. For over 2,000 years, people have used parsley for its amazing medicinal properties.

Here are some interesting facts about parsley that you may want to know.

It is super rich in antioxidants.

This refreshing herb is loaded with antioxidants; especially flavonoids that help reduce oxygen-based damage to cells. In some animal studies, parsley has been used to boost the antioxidant capacity of the blood. Parsley also contains beta-carotene, another antioxidant which is linked to the reduced risk of conditions like atherosclerosis, diabetes, and colon cancer.

It’s an excellent source of vitamin C.

Aside from lemons and oranges, adding parsley to your daily diet is one way to boost your intake of vitamin C. This nutrient has plenty of vital functions. It acts as a water-soluble antioxidant which eliminates free radicals in the body – the reason behind many forms of cancer. Vitamin C is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, which is why it is useful in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Parsley is also rich in vitamins A and K.

It’s good for the heart.

Parsley is an excellent source of folic acid, which is one of the most important B vitamins. Folic acid has many roles in human health, and one of which is in maintaining proper functioning of the heart. Specifically, folic acid converts homocysteine into benign molecules (potentially dangerous molecules that increase the risk of heart disease). Folic acid also helps stabilise blood pressure.

It helps prevent hair loss.

The essential oil in parsley, when massaged into the scalp, can be used for hair loss prevention. The same oil has also been found to play a role in preventing cancerous tumours. This is why it is considered as a ‘chemo-protective’ food.

It’s a healthy stimulant.

If you’re not feeling well or you don’t have appetite, drink parsley tea. Parsley has the ability to boost hunger so you get to enjoy your food more. Just make sure what you’re eating is healthy!

It soothes burns, cuts and rashes.

It also relieves insect bites. The minty feel of parsley, along with its anti-inflammatory properties, makes it a good home remedy for skin burns. And by the way, parsley has antibacterial benefits too. Applying fresh crushed parsley to a wound can facilitate healing and pain relief.

It relieves menstrual cramps.

The cooling, soothing and inflammation-busting ability of parsley is an effective remedy for menstrual cramps and cystitis. Many women swear by parsley in easing their feminine woes.

Cooking tips and reminders

Whenever possible, choose fresh parsley from the dried one as it has superior flavour. Avoid those that have leaves that are yellow and witted as they are indications that the herb is already damaged or old. Instead, choose the parsley which has a deep green colour and crisp leaves. To keep it fresh for a longer period, place it in a plastic bag and then store in the fridge.

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