Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
You know that olive oil, sunflower and canola oil are good for you as they contain healthy fats that benefit your overall health. What about coconut oil? This particular oil is widely used for cooking, especially in Asian countries. It is also a common natural skincare remedy.
Like the healthy oils we know, coconut oil is also packed with several health benefits that your body will be thankful for. Here they are:
Beauty Benefits
Coconut oil, when applied on scalp, can bring back the glow and volume of your hair. It is also recommended for people with fizzy hair. Coconut oil is also a wonderful natural skin moisturiser. It keeps your skin hydrated, soft and supple. Need to remove your makeup? Use coconut oil. Since its natural, you won’t worry about damaging your skin.
Brain Function
Like olive oil, coconut oil also contains healthy fatty acids that increase blood levels of ketone bodies that supply energy to the brain cells. These ketone bodies have a significant role in reducing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease by manufacturing alternative source of energy and supporting brain function. According to some studies, consuming medium chain triglycerides can lead to significant improvement in brain function.
Balanced Diet
Cooking with coconut oil is a great way to add flavour and nutrition to your diet. Use a little for stir-fries and as basting for barbecues. With the healthy fats contained in this oil, you can significantly improve your health.
Cardiovascular Health
The healthy fats in coconut oil helps increase the amount of good cholesterol in your blood. Furthermore, it is loaded with antioxidants that don’t only protect you from heart disease but many other health problems as well.
Weight Loss
While most people think that losing weight is more about counting calories, experts agree that the sources of those calories are of great importance too. Different foods affect our bodies and hormones in different ways. By getting them from health foods like coconut oil, you are more likely to burn more fats. The medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil helps with weight loss and management by increasing energy expenditure compared to the same amount of calories from longer chain fats. A 1996 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that 15-30 grams of MCTs per day increased 24 hour energy expenditure by 5%, totalling about 120 calories per day. Furthermore, coconut oil can help stave off hunger so you experience fewer food cravings while dieting. Other studies suggest that this oil appears to be especially effective in reducing abdominal fat, which lodges in the abdominal cavity and around organs.
Anti-Infection Properties
Coconut oil contains lauric acid which protects your body from harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi. Almost 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil is lauric acid. According to a 2000 study published in the Journal of Bacteriology, such particular type of fatty acid can destroy Staphylococcus Aureus (a very dangerous pathogen and bacteria) and the yeast Candida Albicans, a common source of yeast infections in humans.
Always opt for quality coconut oil to ensure that you maximize its potential health benefits.
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