Amazing Benefits of Digital Detox
Is your mobile phone the first thing you check in the morning? Do you compulsively check your emails? Do you find yourself browsing your newsfeed while having dinner with your partner, friends or family, or when you are attending a special event?
We all live in a modern world where computers and mobile phones are a huge part of our daily living. But while spending a lot of time online feels great for a short term, it has negative long-term impact on your health and well-being.
So if you think you’re having too much time with your digital devices, consider going for a digital detox and be amazed of the amazing reasons why:
You will be in tune with the present moment.
One thing that digital devices do is to take our awareness from the present moment. You probably have experienced this several times - your friend is saying something but you didn’t understand a word because you are occupied reading your email or checking your newsfeed. Spending too much time online or on your mobile phone steals you from the sight, sound and smell of life. You might be missing a lot of beautiful things already. Having a digital detox will make you better in tune with the present moment and experience positive moments as they come.
It strengthens your brain.
Spending too much screentime can be damaging your brain, studies suggest. In 2011, scientists discovered signs of atrophy of grey matter in the brains of heavy internet users that grew worse over time. This particular brain damage puts a huge toll on concentration and memory, decision-making and goal-setting. Unplugging from time to time is crucial to your brain health. What’s more, it makes you a lot more present in interactions, which aids in remembering even the most obscure details.
You will have better relationships.
Communication and bonding are essential to any kind of relationship. Chats and hashtags are not real forms of communication. Face to face interactions are always on the top of the line. Unplugging makes you focus on the present moment and have meaningful, deep conversations.
You become happier.
The more you unplug, the healthier and happier you become. When you unplug, you allow yourself to be absorbed by the present moment, put things into perspective, and really focus on what’s more important in your life. There are numerous studies that show unplugging can raise happiness levels. Meanwhile, research also suggests that the more time people spend online, particularly on social media like Facebook, the higher their risk of depression and anxiety is.
You combat ‘fear of missing out’.
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) has been recently recognised as a psychological disorder brought on by the advance of technology. With the non-stop statuses and photos coming in our newsfeed, our fear of being left out continues to grow. Turning off your Facebook for some time prevents you from comparing yourself to others - a very easy way to feel bad and sad.
But how then, in your ever-connected world can you find ways to unplug? Check out the following tips and suggestions:
Power down for a specific time each day.
Give yourself at least an hour or two every day to unplug. It could be in the morning, while you are preparing for work, in the afternoon, during your break, or in the evening. Choose a specific period of time to intentionally unplug from your digital devices.
Schedule time for social media.
Instead of peeking in every 10 minutes on your social media feeds, why not allocate a specific time for them? Commit to going online on Facebook for an hour during the weekend, instead of doing it on a daily basis. It may be difficult at first if going online has become part of your daily routine. But as you continue to reduce your screentime, you will realise how better and happier life is.
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