8 Truths about Life that are Worth Remembering

Amy Taylor November 18, 2014

As we grow older, we go through different experiences – some are good and some are bad. But no matter what it is, we are bound to learn something. Here is a collection of life facts that many people can attest to, especially the wiser and older. Some of them learned these lessons the hard way. So feel glad that you won’t have to, anymore. What you need to do however, is to remember.

Everyone has their own battle to fight.

Just because your colleague didn’t smile back at you doesn’t mean he is being rude or he is a snob. He could be going through a difficult situation which made him fail to realise you were smiling at him. Instead of criticizing others or judging them, show them understanding and empathy. Show them compassion and acceptance for who they are. Surely, that is also what you want others to show you.

We can all love wholeheartedly.

Don’t think you are not worthy of loving or being loved. Each of us has the capacity to love unconditionally. Love is like a flame, the more you fuel it, the more it gets brighter.

Success doesn’t bring happiness. It’s the other way around.

Just because you are successful doesn’t mean you are happy. What brings us success is happiness. When you are happy and you love what you do, you become successful at it. Decide to be happier now, and everything else you want will come next.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

If you keep running to get to somewhere, you might miss the fun of getting there. While it is important to have dreams, we should not allow ourselves to disengage from the present moment. Everything you do in the present does affect your future. So fully embrace the moment while you work your way towards your goal.

You’re capable of making great things.

It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, poor or rich, male or female – like anyone else, you are capable of making great things more than you realise. You are endowed with unique skills and talents that you can utilise to reach your goals. Do not be confined with how you define yourself as well as your self-limiting beliefs.

Life is easier when you follow your heart.

When you live life in alignment with your core values and passions, you will feel less stressed and everything becomes effortless. You will wake each day full of zeal, enthusiasm and motivation to successfully overcome whatever challenge life throws at you.

Happiness is a choice.

Happiness is not something that other people give us. It is something we cultivate in ourselves. Yes, we are in control of our own happiness. We can let ourselves be happy, or let ourselves be drown in tears. Which one do you choose?

Be thankful.

Take time to think about the good things that happened to you. They need not be huge accomplishments or breakthroughs. In fact, small positive experiences have more lasting effect on your well-being. Gratitude attracts positive energy, happiness and abundance. The more thankful you are, the more great things happen to you.

Each day you live, you are bound to learn something. Just open your eyes. And when you uncover that lesson, keep it in your treasure box and never forget about it.