8 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep
In busy days like this, many of us fall short on sleep to get more tasks done in a day. But sleep deprivation doesn’t only sap our energy; it also weakens our immune system and exposes us to a bunch of health problems, including the most dreaded heart disease and cancer. Lack of sleep also affects our behaviour and thought patterns. In fact, just recently, German and British scientists found that going 24 hours without sleep can lead a healthy person to display symptoms similar to schizophrenia.
If you think you don’t have issues with sleep just because you fall asleep in a snap the moment you lie down on bed, think again. Actually, it could be a sign that you’re sleep-deprived.
Here are the top, surprising signs of sleep deprivation:
You fall asleep immediately. Not only is it a sign of sleep deprivation, but falling asleep immediately could also be an indication of a sleeping disorder, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
You use clichés a lot. It may come as a surprise to you but problems with speech is also an indication that you are sleep-deprived. Here’s the thing, the frontal lobe, which is greatly impacted by sleep deprivation, is associated with speech, as well as constructive and novel thinking. So people who lack enough sleep tend to have spontaneous complicated speech, leading to more slurring, use of clichéd phrases, stuttering and monotone speech.
You’re hungrier than usual. You just had your breakfast but you’re already craving for a bag of cookies. You usually feel satisfied with one scoop of ice cream but this time, you’re having an extra scoop. Sleep deprivation makes you hungrier than usual because it affects two hormones that regulate our appetite: leptin and ghrelin. When we don’t get enough sleep, the level of leptin (the satiety hormone) increases whilst ghrelin (the hunger hormone) reduces.
You’re clumsy. Many people are naturally clumsy. But if this is a new issue for you, then you might want to pay more attention to your sleep habits. Sleep problems can cause issues with motor skills, such as being unsteady on your feet and stumbling when carrying your things, notes Harris.
You’re forgetting things. Sleep plays a crucial role in memory consolidation and emotional processing. So without it, you are bound to face real issues with memory.
You argue with your partner, even for just petty reasons. Researchers from the University of Berkeley found that couples have more frequent and serious fights when they don’t get enough sleep. The researchers note that the lack of shut-eye makes it harder to avoid and handle conflicts.
You can’t concentrate. Problem with concentration is a major sign of sleep deprivation. Not only that, lack of sleep may also affect your ability to make split-second decisions, according to a 2009 study published in the journal Sleep. All these make you less productive and inefficient at work.
You’re always sick. Lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Research shows that who don’t get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as the common cold. Furthermore, lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick.
If you don’t want to suffer from any of these, make sure you are getting enough sleep, each night.
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