8 Nutrition Tips You Ought to Know
You have probably heard a lot of nutrition tips. They are almost everywhere. And these days the idea of eating healthy somewhat confusing, and just like too much hard work at worst. But it doesn’t have to be that complicated.
So here’s a compilation of the most important nutrition tips that you can easily incorporate in your diet. You don’t have to follow them all at once. Start with one or two, and as you begin to establish a new habit, you can try adding another one.
Be smart about fat.
You don’t have to eliminate fats entirely from your diet. You just have to choose smartly. Reduce your intake of saturated and trans fats – these are the solid fats that are present in meat and dairy produce. The smart fats are the essential fatty acids. It’s crucial that you include these fats in your diet as your body is not able to produce them, and they are critical to your health.
It’s okay to indulge.
You really don’t have to deprive yourself of your favourite not-so-healthy foods. The thing is that there are no good or bad foods. It is okay to enjoy fatty, calorie-dense treats as long as you observe portion control. Don’t go beyond the recommended serving, and you will be fine. In fact, studies show that dieters who indulge in their favourite treats from time to time tend to be more successful in losing weight than those who completely eliminated sinful foods from their diet.
Include protein.
Protein has a crucial role in many biological functions, from cell repair to cell regeneration, hormone production, and blood sugar management. Protein is also necessary in the production of lean and strong muscles, which help your body burn more fats even while you’re asleep. This essential nutrient can be found in many food sources, such as dairy, eggs, poultry, meat, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds.
Spice up with herbs and natural ingredients.
Using herbs and spices is a great way to make things interesting, and they have tremendous health benefits to your body. Herbs and spices vary in terms of nutritional value. For instance, chili has been found to boost metabolism, parsley keeps your breath fresh, while garlic may help to lower blood pressure.
Know your portions.
One common problem among many dieters is that they eat too much, even of the right foods. The problem is that even healthy foods have calories, and if you eat too much, you’ll still gain weight. So pay attention to not only what you’re eating, but also how much. Paying attention to portion size is really about focusing on how much you’re eating, and making sure you’re not consuming more than you realise.
Redo your pantry.
If you see it, you will eat it. If you don’t see it, you will still eat it – but not that much. When you get hungry and have no healthy foods in your house, it can be tempting to reach for something unhealthy, like junk food. You can avoid falling into this trap by keeping a few staple items in your house that you can reach for instead of that bag of crisps.
Eat before you eat.
Doesn’t this sound highly caloric? To avoid binge eating in dinner parties, it is a good strategy to eat a mild snack first. Eating an appetizer of a broth-based soup or even an apple can reduce total calorie intake over the course of the meal by up to 20 per cent.
Stay hydrated.
Research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that participants who drank approximately 17 ounces of water (about 2 tall glasses) increased their metabolic rate by 30 per cent. The researchers estimate that increasing water intake by 1.5 litres a day (about 6 cups) would burn an extra 17,400 calories over the course of the year
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