8 Lemongrass Benefits You Probably Didn’t Know About
Lemongrass is a cooking must-have, especially if you like Asian cuisines. But aside from its culinary properties, lemongrass has powerful health benefits too. Here are some of the great wonders of this plant that you probably didn’t know about.
It has plenty of antioxidants.
Lemongrass contains antioxidants that sweep away toxic substances, including uric acid. This plant can stimulate urination, which makes it a great detox agent for your digestive organs. A study by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the department of Science and Technology (DOST) in the US suggests that every 100 grams of edible lemon grass, when boiled, can contain up to 24.205 micrograms of beta-carotene – a powerful anti-oxidant that scientist believe can help prevent cancer.
It lowers blood pressure.
Lemongrass can help keep your blood pressure in check by boosting blood circulation. This plan contains citral, an antioxidant that helps remove excess cholesterol, uric acid, toxins and fats from the body.
It promotes skin health.
Because of its rich antioxidant properties, lemongrass also has amazing health benefits for your skin. It is also high in Vitamin A, which has long been linked to young-looking skin, and lower risk of acne and pimples.
It soothes upset stomach.
Sipping lemongrass tea is a great way to fight indigestion, abdominal pain, colds, intestinal cramps and diarrhoea and other digestive issues. It also helps relieve muscle cramps, spasms and nausea – common problems by women during their menstrual period.
It has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Lemongrass is truly a health wonder because apart from its antioxidant properties, it also has antibacterial and antifungal benefits. All these give you extra protection from cold and flu, and other health problems.
It has anticancer properties.
A 2012 study published in the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences journal, it was found that lemongrass contains luteolin – a flavonoid that has the ability to slow the growth and hasten the death of certain types of cancer cells. Research suggests that it can slow the progression of cancer cells in liver cancer, breast cancers and leukaemia in particular.
It promotes stress-relief.
Its wonderful aroma can already reduce your stress levels. But drinking lemongrass concoction can have more wonderful effects. No wonder why it is normally given to hypertensive patients. This refreshing drink doesn’t just help lower their blood pressure; it also helps keep them calm.
It may ease arthritic pain, gout, and more.
Lemongrass is ideal for people suffering from arthritis problems. Patients suffering from ailments like bone related problems and osteoarthritis are highly benefited by using lemongrass.
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