8 Effortless Lifestyle Tweaks that Can Largely Benefit Your Health
They say dream big, start small. If you dream of having a leaner, fitter and healthier body, you need not jump into a lifestyle overhaul right then and there. Sometimes, what works best when it comes to achieving sustainable long-term lifestyle change is making small tweaks in our daily habits and choices.
Here are tiny tweaks you can make today to become a whole lot healthier tomorrow!
Start with getting enough sleep.
Many people give a lot of focus on exercise and proper diet but forget about the value of sleep. But a lot of important processes take place in your body during sleep. They include serotonin production, blood sugar management and cell repair. Without enough sleep, you are therefore making yourself vulnerable to a host of illnesses, including diabetes, depression, cancer and heart disease. Scientists are still trying to figure out how much sleep is enough, but some suggest it’s between 7 and 8 hours. Experiment on the amount of sleep that makes your body feel at its best, refreshed and revitalised the next morning.
Wash your hands, always.
This simple hygiene habit can do great wonders to your health. Scientists agree that many types of infection and viral diseases can be prevented if people are going to wash their hands regularly and properly. Before eating, after using the bathroom, before touching your face, and whenever you get hold of door knobs, telephones, and other frequently used stuff, do wash your hands and apply sanitizer after. Choose an antibacterial soap that’s triclosan-free. This common ingredient found in soaps has been linked to breast cancer.
Say NO to artificial sweeteners.
Foods labelled with ‘zero calorie’ and ‘diet’ are so tempting to buy because they give us a notion of a fitter body while indulging in sweetness. But the truth is that these foods actually contain artificial sugar which is scientifically proven to be more dangerous than regular sugar. There are many ways that this fake stuff affects your health. First off, it’s 600 times sweeter than regular sugar, causing changes in your taste buds. As a result, you tend to crave more for sweet foods. Second, artificial sugar contains chemicals that may actually damage your body at the cellular level! Saccharin, for instance, is a fake sugar that has been widely linked to bladder cancer.
Make smart snacking choices.
There’s nothing wrong with snacking and you don’t have to avoid it if you are trying to lose weight. You just have to make smart choices. In fact, research suggests that having 2-3 healthy snacks each day may improve metabolism, boost weight control, and reduce the risk of obesity. A great snack is a nutrient-dense meal that’s around 100-200 calories, like fruits and vegetables. You can also try nuts and whole grains. Not only are they healthy, they are also protein- and-fibre rich so you won’t get easily hungry.
Drink more water.
Your body is 60% water. Going below this can cause undesirable effects to your body, such as reduction in energy, high blood pressure, and poor organ function. If you wait until you are thirsty to drink, chances are, you are already hydrated. A good indicator of whether you are getting enough water is your urine. If it’s pale, almost clear, you’re good. If it’s yellowish, you better drink more. Hydration is not only helpful in weight loss; it also plays a great role in your overall health, including your skin health. Say hello to a moisturised, soft and glowing skin!
Switch to a standing desk.
You probably know that being inactive is dangerous to your health. But what can you do if you are stuck in front of your computer all day long? Well, you need not quit your job. The solution might be as simple as switching to a standing desk. By simply standing for an hour while working, you can already burn 33 calories. You can use a high stool so when your legs start getting tired, you can sit, and then stand up again once you are ready.
Increase your probiotic intake.
You need probiotics daily to sustain a health gut and a stronger immune system. Plain Greek yoghurt and other fermented foods are great sources of probiotics. These beneficial bacteria help our bodies by processing and eliminating toxins from our digestive tract. This leads to faster metabolism and hormonal balance.
Cut back on alcohol.
Research shows moderate alcohol intake may actually be good for our heart. But to reiterate, it should be ‘moderate’. Aside from the fact that alcohol adds more to your daily caloric intake, it may also affect your hunger hormones. A 2001 study published in the Clinical Endocrinology journal found that alcohol decreases the amount of leptin, an appetite-suppressing hormone made by your endocrine system. This makes it harder for your body to register that it’s had enough to eat — leading you to overconsumption.
You can transform your lifestyle into something more positive and significantly boost your health by taking the baby steps. Hope these tiny ideas can help you reach your big health goals.
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