8 Amazing Health Benefits of Tuna
Fish is a great addition to anyone’s diet and experts recommend that we have at least two servings of it each week. Fish and seafood are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy omega-3 fatty acids that benefit our body in so many ways. Today, let’s talk about one of the most popular and loved fish across the world: tuna.
Let’s dive in!
Tuna’s rich in antioxidants.
If you think you can only get antioxidants from fruits and vegetables, think again. These health-boosting compounds can be found in fish too! Like tuna. This very flavourful fish contains high levels of manganese, zinc, vitamin C, and selenium - antioxidants that boost immune function by helping eliminate free radicals in the body. Free radicals are by-products of metabolism which damage our cells, and expose us to various health diseases.
It’s good for your heart.
You’ve probably heard about this plenty of times: tuna is good for your heart. But in what way exactly? Well, it seems that the benefit lies on its potassium content - mineral that helps lower blood pressure significantly. Another thing, it’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids which provide anti-inflammatory effect to the cardiovascular system. So eating tuna at least twice a week can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and like clogged arteries.
It boosts blood circulation.
Tuna contains iron and vitamin B that promotes cardiovascular health by improving blood circulation. Lack of exercise, poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle impede blood flow which takes a huge toll on our health. Upping your intake of iron and vitamin B strengthen the blood cells, which then improve the flow of oxygen throughout the body organs.
It’s good for your bones.
It is really surprising to know how fish like tuna can be packed with nutrients. Apart from the vitamins and minerals mentioned above, tuna also boasts of vitamin D which has a crucial role in bone health and development. Along with the other vital nutrients found in tuna, vitamin D can also reduce your risk of multiple sclerosis and autoimmune diseases. Research shows it also has mood-enhancing effect so having a slice or two of tuna in your lunch or dinner is a great way to feel better.
Tuna is great for your skin.
This delicious fish contains elastin which promotes tissue repair, resulting to young-looking, supple and really beautiful skin. The trace minerals in tuna also helps prevent damage to blood cells that often lead to skin problems.
It has anti-cancer properties.
Since it is rich in antioxidants, adding tuna in your diet is a wonderful way to protect yourself from cancer. Research has shown that increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids may lower the risk of colon cancer. While more studies are needed to validate the cancer-fighting benefits of fish, a large amount of research shows decreased cancer risk with increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids in one’s diet.
It helps you build muscles.
Tuna is among the best sources of protein which is essential in muscle growth and development. Having lean and well-functioning muscles aids in weight loss and improves metabolism. Just a hundred serving of tuna already boasts of 30 grams of protein.
It fights inflammation.
The high dose of antioxidants and nutrients in tuna meat help fight inflammation in the body - one of the major causes of diseases. Chronic inflammation is a major factor in diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and even cancer.
Whether raw or cooked - tuna has something great to offer to your health. Adding it to your diet is surely a wonderful way to be healthier and fitter. What’s your favourite way to enjoy tuna? Feel free to post a comment below.
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