7 Top Toxins that Could Damage Your Brain

Lisa Franchi June 12, 2014

Proper diet, regular exercise, and stress management are the best ways to protect your brain and keep it healthy. But if you keep exposing your brain to any of these chemicals, you are still vulnerable to developing chronic mental illnesses.


A study by the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) found a link between the said compound and lower IQ, whilst other studies link fluoride to learning and memory impairment, foetal brain damage and altered neurobehavioral function. Removing fluoride from your water supply is as simple as using quality filters.

Artificial Sweeteners

Consuming ‘zero-calorie’ beverages and energy drinks, as well as processed foods that contain artificial sweetener, may be doing more harm on your mental health than you think. Aspartame is a combination of chemicals, namely aspartic acid (an amino acid with excitatory effects on brain cells), methanol and phenylalanine. When aspartame breaks down, it produces a compound that is a powerful brain-tumour-causing chemical. Scientists consider it as ‘highly’ toxic. Symptoms like anxiety attacks, slurred speech, depression and migraines have been linked to aspartame consumption.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

MSG is a form of concentrated salt added to foods to enhance their flavour. Many food products, particularly crisps, cup noodles, and processed foods contain high levels of MSG. Dr Blaylock, a noted neurosurgeon and authority on excitotoxins such as MSG, discovered that MSG could cause silent damage to the brain, which could over time, cause serious damage to areas of the brain and lead to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and other brain ailments.


Overexposure to lead has been linked to serious neurological disorders and low IQ. Lead is a potent poison that can affect individuals at any age. Children with developing bodies are especially vulnerable because of their rapidly developing nervous systems are particularly sensitive to the effects of lead.


In a study conducted in Bangladesh, where water systems contain manganese, such chemical has been linked to lower scores in math, diminished intellectual function, and ADHD.

Chlorpyrifos and DDT (pesticides)

These chemicals have been largely linked to structural abnormalities of the brain, as well as neurodevelopmental problems that persist up to age 7. These pesticides are banned in many parts of the world but still used in many lower-income countries. Recently, these chemicals have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.


When absorbed through drinking water, this chemical has been linked to cognitive decline among schoolchildren. The same chemical has also been linked to neurological disease in adulthood.