7 ‘Sweet’ Facts about Stevia
With the alarming health risks associated with sugar, more and more people are looking for natural, healthier ways to satisfy their sweet tooth. And among the most popular options is stevia. This very sweet plant has been the centre of scientific attention lately. Several studies suggest that it can be a great alternative for traditional, deadly table sugar.
Stevia, a plant native to Brazil and Paraguay, has been used for hundreds of years to sweeten local teas and medicines, but it’s just recently that it has gained acceptance among the general public. Whilst there are a lot of sugar substitutes available in the market today, stevia is the most recommended by health experts. Why? It’s because it’s all natural. Plus, it has virtually zero calories!
Here are some more interesting facts about this sweet plant:
It’s a no-carb, no-calorie sugar substitute.
Are you watching your carbohydrate and calorie intake? Then stevia can be a good option for you. This carb- and calorie-free plant makes it possible for dieters to satisfy sweet cravings without wrecking their eating plans.
It lowers blood pressure and blood sugar.
Stevia has been shown, in some studies, to lower blood pressure. This makes it an ideal sweetener for people with high blood pressure as well as those with insulin problems – particularly those with diabetes.
It has antibacterial properties.
Stevia is often used as an ingredient in toothpastes and mouthwashes due to its antibacterial properties. When used as a topical treatment, stevia is effective in reducing eczema and acne.
Stevia products available in the market are "all natural."
Not all packaged stevia in the grocery stores today are purely natural. Some companies include additional ingredients, such as erythritol and sugar alcohol – which can harm your health. Other products include dextrose a starch-derived glucose which is often extracted from corn, wheat or rice.
It’s 200 times sweeter than sugar.
Despite having zero calories, stevia is a lot sweeter than regular sugar. And even though it’s extra sweet, stevia does nothing to change eating habits or hurt metabolism in the short term. A 2010 study in the journal Appetite tested several artificial sweeteners against sugar and each other in 19 lean people and 12 obese people. Here, researchers found people did not overeat after consuming a meal made with stevia instead of sugar.
Stevia can be used in baking and cooking too!
Baking cookies, cakes and pastries can be sweetened up using stevia. But since it’s sweeter than regular granulated sugar, you may need less of it, and make up for lost ingredient volume.
It may help in weight loss.
Being low in carbohydrates and calories, stevia is a great sweetener substitute if you are trying to lose weight. Preliminary research suggests that Stevia may interfere with the functions of hypothalamus and may aid weight loss by curbing the hunger sensation. It is the part of the brain which controls hunger, thirst and fatigue along with its other functions.
With the overflowing health benefits associated with stevia, more and more people are opting for it over the traditional sugar and artificial sweeteners. The fact that it has been used for centuries not just to sweeten food but address health problems is a good reason to start growing stevia in your own garden.
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