7 Simple Acts of Kindness that Can Change the World
You don’t have to be super rich to make a difference. You don’t have to be famous to inspire others and influence them in positive ways. You need not be a priest to share the good news. There are simple acts of kindness and generosity that you, I and everyone else can do that can CHANGE THE WORLD. Here are some ideas to start with.
Feeling happy? Share it! Happiness is contagious and it only takes a couple of facial muscles to spread some cheer and gladness to the world. The moment you walk out of your house, wear a big smile. Smile to everyone you see, whether it’s your neighbour, a stranger, or a colleague. And when you smile, don’t forget to have some eye-contact. That shows sincerity. And it really makes a big difference.
Give what you can.
You don’t have to have millions in your bank account to help someone in need. In your own little ways, you can reach out to others and that simple act of generosity may change their lives forever. Maybe you have plenty of clothes that you no longer use, or some toys and children’s books you are willing to be parted with. When all of us give a little, suddenly it turns to ‘a lot’.
Buy someone a cup of coffee.
The next time you buy a coffee, order another for a friend, an officemate or a stranger. That cup of coffee can make a big difference in your relationship with others. It can brighten up someone’s day, makes them realise they are not alone, and make them feel valued. An extra cup of coffee can also win you a new friend!
Show your support.
Has your friend started a new business? You don’t have to chip in financially to show your support, you just have to believe they could achieve something. A simple status update on Facebook or Twitter to let other people know about your friend’s business can do a lot! Lend your support when and where you can.
Be polite.
Whenever you ask someone a favour, make sure to use the words “Please” and “Thank you”. They take zero effort to say, but their impact is well – huge.
Let go when you can.
Stain on your shirt? 5 minutes late from work? They could really cause nuisance, but they are too trivial to occupy some space in your mind. Learn how to sort your problems. Let go of the little negative things. When there’s less negative, there’s more room for positivity and happiness.
Do what your heart desires.
When you are able to pursue your passion, you feel inspired and happy. When you are happy, you do more acts of kindness. Therefore, you make other people happier too. And the cycle continues.
See? You don’t have to be a ‘somebody’ to make a big difference. Often, a simple act of kindness is enough for you to change the world.
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