7 Awesome Ways Your Partner Boost Your Health
It feels good to be in love, so they say. It is a fact. Because if not, love wouldn’t be the most talked about topic on and off the web. Whilst romantic relationships can have come with lots of challenges, having someone to love and share your life with is one of the best things you can experience in life. Plus, having a romantic relationship can significantly boost your health too! In what ways? Read on.
It makes you so much happier.
Physical intimacy is a scientifically proven way to foster well-being. In the 2004 General Social Surveys, it was found that older couples who engage in sexual activity regularly are likely to be happier not only with their relationship but also in their own lives. Research also shows that having sex can reduce our stress levels.
It promotes fulfilment and sense of satisfaction.
There’s a reason why most of us value relationships more than they value success at work. And that’s the fact that relationship promotes happiness and satisfaction more than anything else. In the study carried out by the National University of Entre Rios in Argentina which involved over 200 participants, a much stronger stability was found in love than in work.
It promotes longevity.
An analysis of over 150 studies, published in the journal Plos One, found that good social relationships, particularly romantic relationships, had a profoundly positive impact on reducing the risk of mortality. Participants with strong social bonds had 50 per cent higher risk of survival than those who don’t.
It enhances your immune system.
Research suggests that happy couples have higher functioning immune systems than those who don’t. In one study wherein couples were observed during disputes, those who displayed the most negative behaviour during fights showed the highest decline in immune system functioning. Meanwhile, those who argued in a more positive way had better immune function.
It makes you physically fit.
Couples who exercise together have more weight loss success than people who do it solo, research suggests. In another study, both men and women work between 12 and 15 per cent harder when they train with a romantic partner.
It makes your skin healthier and younger-looking.
That healthy glow of being in love? Nope, it isn’t just a myth! It’s true! When our love life is going well, our stress level lowers down. And the less stressed we are, the better for our skin! Remember that high levels of cortisol in our system stimulates acne breakout. So beware.
It makes the pain go away.
Simply holding the hands of your partner can minimise feelings of pain, according to research. Scientists from Stanford University performed brain scan of 15 college students who all professed to be deeply in love. The found that simply looking at a photo of a loved one reduced moderate pain by 40 per cent, and severe pain by 10-15 per cent. Meanwhile, some studies suggest that romantic love activates the brain’s dopamine system, similar to exercise.
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