7 Amazing Benefits of Sweating

Sharon Moore October 02, 2014

Sweat – it is something we usually hate, especially when we are on a date or business meeting, speaking in front of a crowd, and socialising with others. Sometimes, we love it though. We appreciate sweating when we’re at the gym, or when we’re playing our favourite sport.

Our PE teachers were right. Sweating is good for our body. But how exactly, does it contribute to good health? Let’s us explore the amazing health benefits of perspiration.

First off – it flushes toxins from your body.

Did you know that perspiration is one of the body’s natural ways to eliminate disease-causing toxins? Yes, your sweat is your natural antibiotic that gets rid of bacteria that could cause infection. So for instance, your skin is wounded by a small cut or scratch, or a sting by an insect, your sweat glands release antibiotic agents, such as dermcidin, which effectively kills and destroys bacteria! Isn’t that amazing?

Sweating makes you happy.

Feeling sad? Having a bad day? Consider sweating it out. Science has shown over again that exercising is a good strategy to improve mood and bust negative emotions, including symptoms of depression. When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins – the ‘feel good’ chemicals that act as ‘mood enhancers’ and ‘painkillers’. Don’t think that getting into the sauna and sweating can give you just the same results. You have to sweat heavily and pump your muscles up, in the form of aerobic activity or weight training, to see the results. Every person’s endorphin level is unique. Through trial and error, you can identify the intensity of workout that can give you the best boost in happiness.

Sweating promotes pain relief.

Endorphin has another amazing role – it relieves pain naturally. When we’re experiencing physical pain, like headache or back pain, the last thing we want to do is to move. But health experts agree that exercising can reduce the severity and frequency of pain. What’s more, as your physical health improves, you may find yourself reaching less for aspirin, and getting more of your endorphin dose through exercise.

It regulates your body’s temperature.

Yes, sweating is a proof that you have your own air conditioning unit inside your body. As we go through our day, our bodies adapt to changes in the environment – from our cosy, warm home to the cold, snowy weather outside, to our hot automobile interiors, and to another warm environment in the office. Sweating through regular exercise, helps keep our built-in HVAC system more functional, and helps our body regulate temperature more easily.

It keeps pimples away!

Zits – we all hate it. We normally experience during puberty stage but then it usually comes back every now and then. Well, here’s one great natural remedy – sweat it out. As mentioned, perspiring is one way your body releases toxins, which contribute to poor skin and blemishes. By opening your pores, you release the grit and grime that holds in bacteria and promote pimples. But make sure to wash your face after! You don’t want those bacteria to keep coming back.

Sweating can eliminate dangerous pollutants.

Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), a plastic-softening phthalate and bisphenol A (BPA) is a carbon-based synthetic compound – are among the top chemicals known to pose threat to human health. They are commonly used in manufacturing children’s toys. In 2001, the European Commission banned the use of these chemicals without authorisation. Exposure to DEHP has been found to damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and reproductive system, particularly the developing testes of prenatal and neonatal males. Amazingly, sweating allows your body to get rid of these dangerous pollutants. Even when not detected in blood or urine, sweating has been shown effective in BPA from our system.

See? So don’t be afraid to sweat it out. It’s so, so good for your health!