6 Tips to Stay Calm and Cool During Difficult Moments
Just because you’re not depressed doesn’t mean you are happy. According to a renowned psychiatrist, Peter Kramer, the opposite of depression is not happiness, rather, resilience. It is the ability to bounce back from tragedy, and regain a healthy sense of perspective after traumatic or stressful experiences.
When we are stressed, it is very difficult to keep calm and cool. Imagine your heart racing, your mind’s full of intrusive thoughts, and your muscles tensed – will you ever find peace in situations like these? The good news is that it is actually possible to stay calm and cool even during stressful moments. How? Consider these tips:
Understand that harnessing optimism takes time, courage and patience.
Life is not perfect. Sometimes, things don’t turn out as we planned. We are bound to experience setbacks over and over again. That is why facing life in the best possible way is never easy. Often, it takes courage, perseverance and patience. Think of courage as a finite resource. Time will come that you’ll run out of it. But that’s okay, through positive experiences, you will regain courage.
Let go.
Sometimes, we’re in a very stressful situation that we almost feel like it’s the end of the world! But it’s not, promise. Allowing yourself to get carried away by stress doesn’t do you any good. When things feel so terribly hard to bear, maybe you just have to let go, even for just a time being.
The next time you’re faced with a stressful situation, instead of panicking – stop and breathe. Let the air travel through you and within your body. Stop whatever you are doing and take five deep breaths in and out. Close your eyes. Imagine all that stress leaving your body with each exhale. And then smile, a fake smile will do. You will see that it is pretty hard to stay grumpy when there’s a big grin on your face.
Enjoy the journey.
Working on a big project? Instead of stressing yourself on what the outcome will be, focus on the journey. And have fun doing it! Take it as a challenge and opportunity for growth and new learning! Break down a big project into mini-goals. And don’t forget to celebrate for each accomplishment! A cup of warm tea, a slice of dark chocolate, or a trip to the movie theatre will do.
Give yourself more time to think.
Spending some time alone to reflect on things can lead you to better decisions in life. When something’s bothering you, such as whether to quit your job or not, it is always helpful to give yourself enough time to think, compare the pros and cons, and figure out what your heart truly desires. Take a short walk alone in the park or go to a quiet place where you are able to concentrate on decision making.
Be mindful.
Practising mindfulness-based techniques is another great strategy to keep calm and relaxed, amidst stressful moments. Whenever stress starts to affect you physically and mentally, stop whatever you’re doing and perform a body scan. Whilst breathing in and out deeply, figure out which areas of your body are tensed. Gently touch and massage those areas until the tension is released. By paying attention to the present moment, you are able to distant yourself from intrusive thoughts that make you even more stressed.
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