6 Things that Define Happiness

Amy Taylor May 04, 2015

Happiness is a choice, so they say. But it is somehow difficult to choose to be happy every time you see people living their life to the fullest whilst you sit in your desk, doing the job you hate, or repeating the same routine every single day. You may think you are fairly happy, but deep down you may feel that you really aren’t. 

Don’t feel sad though. Happiness, contrary to popular belief, is just around the corner.

To be happy, however, there are some things we need to do. Don’t worry, the following suggestions aren’t going to cost you a penny.

Be grateful.

There’s a saying that goes like this – It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy. It’s hard to be happy when you hardly notice and appreciate the good things in life. Happiness is all about being grateful for everything. Yes, everything. This includes both the good and bad experiences. Is there something to be grateful about negative experiences? It may sound counterintuitive, but it does. Remember, mistakes are the best teacher. It is when we commit mistakes or fail do we learn to do things better.

Valuing relationship.

People who have caring and supportive friends tend to be the happiest. As humans, we have the innate need to belong, feel loved, and feel valued. You may feel like you are better off alone. But not valuing friendships is one of the top regrets of the dying. Instead of working long hours to earn or advance their careers, happy people focus more on establishing healthy, positive relationship with others. Because at the end of the day, you are not going to remember all the time you spent at work, but the memories shared with your family, friends and loved ones.

Valuing experiences.

Most people think about shopping during stressful days. Whilst material things can cheer you up, the positive feeling does not last for long. If you want to be happier, invest on experiences, not so much on material possessions. Travel the world. Meet new people. Learn about a new culture. The experiences you get from exploring the world are surely going to linger for many years, if not for a lifetime.

Pursuing your passion.

Pursuing your passion might involve taking a risk, sacrificing, or giving up such a precious career you already have. But if you really are passionate about something, couple it with hard work and you will surely succeed in your new endeavour. People who chase what their heart says are happier than others who don’t. It’s true. You could fail and start over again. But sometimes, we just have to take chance. What’s waiting in the end might surprise you.

Focusing on the bright side.

Happy people are not simply optimistic. They are realistic-optimists. That is, they combine the positive outlook of optimistic people but also have a cleared-eye perspective like that of the pessimists. They use realism to perform better at work and elsewhere, but don’t get bogged down by not-so-good experiences. So it didn’t turn out as you planned it to be? Hush now. It’s alright. Focusing on things that you have control over is one easy way to achieve happiness.


Mean people are unhappy people. They are too caught up noticing other people’s imperfection and ranting about almost everything. Nothing gives us sheer happiness than being kind and treating everybody with compassion. Being empathic about other people is the best way to understand how they feel and connect to them in a deeper level. Kindness also involves being generous. This doesn’t mean you have to give away all your money in the bank or sell your house for a charity. Helping others, in any way you can, especially when it comes from the heart, will give you lasting happiness and sense of fulfilment.

You may feel like happiness is hard to find. But by being grateful, valuing your personal and social relationship, investing more on experiences and learning, pursuing your passion, focusing on the bright side of life, and being kind – you will surely find your way to it.