6 Easy Ways to Be Unhappy

Sharon Moore September 04, 2015

We all want to be happy. Unfortunately, many end up being sad in their quest for happiness. Why? It’s because they think that happiness is a destination, when in fact - it’s actually the journey. Below are the easiest ways to be unhappy in life.

Giving up.

Giving up on our dreams is one of the most painful things we can experience. While it may seem impossible sometimes, pursuing your goals in life is one way to be happy. If you give up too soon, you grow old wondering ‘what if’ and ‘only if’.

Comparing yourself to others.

The more you focus on other people’s successes, the more you think about what you lack. And you end up comparing the other person’s best attributes to your very worst. So instead of feeling better, you basically feel worse. Always remember that you are a unique individual and thus, incomparable to others. By focusing on your progress and achievements, happiness will easily seep in to your life.

Holding a grudge.

When we are angry at someone, the impact of our desire to revenge or hurt that person backfires on us. And the longer you hold on to that grudge, the less happy you become. Letting go of the grudge doesn’t mean forgiving the person totally. Forgiveness is a process which takes time. But opening yourself to the possibility of forgiveness is the best step forward.

Settling for superficial friendships.

It isn’t the quantity, but the quality of friendship that is most important. True friends are those who have genuine care for you, accept you wholeheartedly, and stays with you through thick and thin. They are those who cheer with you on your successes, and cry with you during the most difficult moments of your life. Never settle for superficial friendships. They are not worth your time and attention.

Working too much.

Yes, your work is really important. But there are other things that matter too, such as your family, your marriage, and friendship. Having a beautiful house, a nice car, and lots of money in the bank can give you temporary joy, but positive relationships are what give you long-term happiness.

Not giving.

Being compassionate to other people gives you a deeper sense of happiness. It’s true, receiving feels really good. But giving feels so much better! Reaching out to others is one of the greatest sources of happiness in the world.

If you are at the saddest point of your life today, it’s time that you check with yourself and try to figure out the reason why. You are probably holding on to one of these habits that are unknowingly sabotaging your success and happiness.