5 Ways You Can Benefit From Therapy

Sharon Moore August 12, 2014

It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, married or not, male or female, fit or unfit – you can always benefit from seeking therapy. Don’t think it is just for people with mental illness. Therapy doesn’t only help people overcome mental challenges – it can significantly improve their life as well.

Here are some ways therapy can make you healthier and happier.

Talking with someone helps you uncover your life’s purpose.

Just so you know, research has known that verbalising feelings can have significant therapeutic benefits to the brain. This means sharing your thoughts with others, particularly someone who is professionally trained to help you manage your feelings, is significant for your well-being. Therapy can also help you identify your goals and find or clarify your purpose. When seeking therapy, it is important that you open yourself up to what you’re struggling with and where you’d like to go from there. This helps you bring closer to your goal, and bring you confidence and peace of mind.

Therapy contributes to stress management.

Therapy has proven time and again that it is highly effective in helping people overcome stress and anxiety issues. You need not have a stress disorder such as PTSD to benefit from therapy. Stress is something we deal with every day. Even mentally fit people have their fair share of stress. Therapy is a great place for you to learn a variety of stress-coping mechanisms. A good therapist can help you better manage your emotions and learn to see life in a more positive perspective.

Therapy helps you get rid of mental blocks that prevent you from reaching your goals.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, change career, get promoted, or start out a new business venture – therapy can help you achieve your goals by helping eradicate the mental blocks that prevent you from reaching your full potential. Therapy can strengthen your perspective, fuel your confidence, and bring you hope to overcome the obstacles you encounter in reaching your goals.

Therapy helps you improve your relationship.

Talking to a trained therapist can help you learn different ways to improve your relationship and resolve issues you may have. Ideally, a couple should go to counselling together. But if your partner refuses to join you, counselling can help you sort out lots of things on your own.

Therapy helps you manage your emotions.

Finding it hard to manage your emotions? Therapy can help. Some people find it hard to regulate their emotions, such as anger. Therapy can teach you easy strategies for controlling your temper. There are different ways it can help manage your emotions. One is through cognitive therapy. Here, psychologists help patients find alternative ways of thinking about and reacting to anger. Instead of thinking bad thoughts about the other driver, for example, you could think instead, “Whoa! That was an accident waiting to happen.” Your therapist can also help you learn new behaviours. Parents might need to find better ways of communicating with their children, for instance. Angry drivers might benefit from learning safe driving skills.