5 Ways to Find Inner Peace
In this ever so chaotic world, finding inner peace can be so difficult. Inner peace is an experience. It’s something you can’t buy from a store or get from anyone else. It’s something we build inside us.
If you’ve been trying to find inner peace but couldn’t do so, here are some tips that might work for you.
Stop resisting. Just let it be.
It may seem counterintuitive, but resisting and fighting a negative feeling can just drain your energy and block you from finding inner peace. How can you find the perfect solution to your troubles when you are all tensed up? It is always a great idea to separate yourself from the situation and view it from afar, as if you are a third party to the event. This lets you approach things in a non-judgemental way and tackle the things trouble your mind with clarity.
Connect to the deepest part of yourself.
Inner peace blooms when you are able to connect with yourself in a deep and meaningful way. Connecting with yourself means getting a feel of your body senses, checking in with your emotions, and acknowledging your thoughts. Your ability to recognise your reactions and feelings defines how well you respond to situations and to your needs, and take care of yourself.
Realise that your thoughts don’t define you.
Research has shown that human beings have about 70,000 thoughts per day. Unfortunately, 70 per cent of those are negative. So don’t think something is wrong with you when your mind seems to be full of unwanted thoughts. It is something hardwired to us, unfortunately. So if you keep basing your reality and sense of peace on your thoughts alone, you are basically setting yourself up to a lot of stress, worry, and feelings of discontentment.
Take time off.
Maybe the reason why you can’t find inner peace is because you are too caught up with your daily tasks and responsibilities. Maybe you haven’t really had some time off for a long time. Maybe you are too stressed with work. Remember, it’s hard to find a sense of peace when you live in a fast-paced world - an environment where you always have to rush, do things in split second to accommodate more tasks, meet deadlines, and live to others expectations. You need to take time off. It’s crucial for your mental health. Taking time off keeps everything in your life in balance. And where there is balance in your life, inner peace is within your reach.
Embrace the present moment.
There’s peace when you are able to stand still, feel your body, notice the things around you, and focus your attention in the present moment. There’s peace when you are able to clear your mind with past and future thoughts and just let things be. A stroll in the park, a prayer, a moment of silence, or a meditation practice - all these are simple ways to embrace the present moment and cultivate inner peace.
How about you, how do you find inner peace? We’d love to hear your tips and suggestions. Feel free to post a comment below.
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