5 Things that Are Worth Celebrating Today

Lisa Franchi January 20, 2015

Having a bad day? We all go through it. One minute you are happy, another minute you feel like you are the loneliest person in the world. One morning you feel thankful, the next day you think you’ve never been good enough. We all go through the bad days. We all deal with uncalled for situations that make us feel incomplete, unhappy and hopeless. But sometimes, all you need is a little change in perspective to perk yourself up and feel a lot better.

If this day is one of the ‘bad days’ for you, you don’t have to stay stuck. Focusing on life’s imperfections can just worsen your mood, whilst looking at the things worth celebrating can make a great difference.

So if you are not feeling that good today, thinking about the following things might just make you smile.

You’re someone’s best friend.

Trust is not gained. It is earned. If someone considers you a best friend, be thankful because that means you have what it takes to be trusted. And not everyone has that qualities. As a friend, the other person sees you as a source of happiness, inspiration and joy. He/she sees you as a good person. You are really lucky to be called “best friend”.

You have the power to improve someone’s mood.

Just a five-second grin can magically transform a stranger’s mood. It can comfort a weeping friend, inspire a discouraged heart, and energise a tired body. Just the act of smiling can also boost your mood. Try it – smile whilst thinking of a negative experience. Isn’t it hard? So when you smile, you help your mind do away from negative thoughts. So it’s a win-win situation!

Someone loves and accepts you just the way you are.

So your boss think you aren’t good enough? Fine. But that’s not enough basis for you to belittle yourself. Just because for one person thinks you are good enough, doesn’t mean you really are not. There is always that one person who loves and accepts you for who you are – regardless of your flaws and imperfection. They could be your partner, your parents, siblings, or best friend. Or that could be your pup. So never ever think no one cares or thinks about you. It’s never true.

You have survived greater difficulties.

Whenever you are faced with a new difficulty, think about the past obstacles you have gone through. There must be one really difficult moment in your life that you have successfully overcame. Just thinking of it is enough to fuel your mind and body to go through another challenge, and survive again. If you are ruminating about a failure or mistake, remind yourself that it is just temporary. It’s going to be over soon.

You’re in charge of your own happiness.

One gift that no one can take away from you is your free will. No one can put you down but yourself. You might be surrounded by difficult people today, but their powers combined are not enough for you to walk away defeated. You have the power over your thoughts and feelings. You can choose to be carried away with all sorts of negativity, or you can choose to stand still and be happy. Happiness is a choice, so they say. It isn’t something you find from other people. It is something you cultivate within you. Today, you can choose to be happy.

No matter how difficult your day has been, know that there is always something good in it. It could be the soft, warm couch that awaits you at home, the cup of coffee your hubby has prepared for you, or a sweet kiss from your child. By consciously paying attention to these positive things, you can easily get by a bad day.