5 Simple Things that Make HUGE Changes in Your Life
Wonder why crash diets and quick fixes don’t work? That’s because our lives are formed by habits. What we do on a daily basis determines the quality of our health and well-being. So in order to see long lasting positive changes in your life, you need to work on improving your habits one at a time.
The change doesn’t have to be that dramatic. Sometimes, small lifestyle tweaks work best when it comes to improving our health. Here are 5 very easy habits you can incorporate in your life today that can bring you so many amazing benefits!
Drink more water.
Our body needs water to function properly. And because we can’t store water for long, we need to drink it every day. There’s no accurate amount of water that we should take. However, experts recommend drinking at least two litres of it, or 8 glasses (8oz serving) of water, eve day. Just listen to your body. If you feel thirsty, that means you need more water. Otherwise, you need less.
Eat mindfully.
What makes mindful eating a great habit is that it lets you enjoy your food more and at the same time, prevent yourself from binge-eating. Before putting something on your plate, ask yourself if that will give your body the nourishment and nutrients it needs. Eat only when you are hungry, and stop eating when you are full. Also, give yourself enough time to digest the food. It takes 30 minutes for your brain to recognise that your stomach is full already so you may need to eat at a slower phase.
Quit junk food.
Get rid of everything that is sugary, fatty, greasy and salty. Clean out your pantry and fridge and avoid even going down those aisles at the grocery store. It’s really hard to resist the temptation brought about by junk food when it’s staring you right in the face. It’s true – it’s delicious. But, it’s nothing more. It doesn’t do any good to your body. Worse, it sets you up to
Get a little more active.
Always take the stairs. Park your car a bit further from your office so you can take the opportunity to walk. Use your lunch break to go for a walk outside. Spare at least 30 minutes on moderate to vigorous physical workouts. Run. Dance while cooking or washing the dishes (it’s silly but fun). Sneak exercise in your day whenever you can. Once your body gets used to being active, you will absolutely love it!
Practice some self-love.
Changing bad habits isn’t an easy task. Sometimes, it’s stressful too. But the reward is big. And once you have established healthier habits, you will never want to go back to your old ways! You just got to give yourself some love. Be kind to your body. Rest when you need to. Studies show we are better at making healthy lifestyle changes when we are less stressed. Do something that makes you happy each day. Be proud of yourself and what you have achieved so far!
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