5 Relaxation Exercises for the Whole Family
If you make it a weekly ritual for your family to have fun and spend quality time with each other, you should also make it a habit to relax together. Having adequate rest is important for both the physical and mental health of your family. Here are some great exercises that your whole family can practise together for a less stressful and healthier life!
Deep breathing
This very simple, no brainer workout has powerful benefits to your mind and body. Deep breathing promotes blood circulation, which eases pain, lifts your mood, and stimulate relaxation. For your kids, introduce this exercise by asking them to imagine their favourite food and taking a deep breath to smell it. Then to breathe out, ask them to pretend that the food is too hot and they should blow to cool it.
They say laughter is the best form of medicine. Laughter relieves stress and stimulates positive emotions. Cracking a joke, watching a funny film, or making silly faces is a fun and really enjoyable way to ease tension and lift everyone’s mood at home.
Stretching is a great relaxation exercise that all ages can do. It allows unused energy to be channelled in a more calm and controlled manner. There are different yoga poses that beginners can try. And these movements are extremely fun and really refreshing afterwards.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
This relaxation technique allows your muscles to release tension which is common among people who have anxiety issues. The exercise involves focusing your attention to each part of your body, and releasing any tension that you may feel. Asking your child to reach up and try to touch the ceiling will create tension in the shoulders whilst having him or her drop the arms and try to touch the floor will create a release. Imagery can be used to facilitate this relaxation exercise as well. For instance, for the face, you ask your kids to imagine smelling something stinky, and then something aromatic to release the tension. For the arms, you can ask them to pretend like they are angry and about to punch someone, then release by imaging that they are going to hug a big bear.
Also called guided imagery, this exercise is best at calming the mind. Plus, your kids will surely love it! Visualization allows you to notice thoughts and feelings without judgment. To begin, ask your kids to imagine their favourite colour, or an image. Have them focus on this image as they inhale and exhale properly.
A family that relaxes together stays strong and healthy. By incorporating these simple relaxation techniques in your regular routine – you, your spouse, and your kids are sure to do better at fighting potential diseases.
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