5 Non-Animal Sources of Protein
Protein is one of the most essential nutrients our body needs to survive. However, few of us know that it can also be obtained from plant-based sources. Today, let’s talk about the top sources of this highly digestible plant protein which provide the most benefits to health.
Apart from its high protein content, hemp has the perfect ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 (3:1). It is also the most abundant source of EFAs (essential fatty acids), and a rich source of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and plant sterols. Furthermore, this plant possesses the 9 amino acids our body cannot produce, making it one of the few complete plant-based protein sources.
Chia Seeds
Sprinkle these tiny seeds on your yogurt or cup of oatmeal or cereal to enjoy its nutty flavour. Whilst it’s just getting more popular today, many people have relied on chia as one of the best sources of energy. These seeds contain 21% protein, as well as the essential amino acids in complete ratios, which make it a complete protein like hemp. What’s more, it’s good for your digestive system too. Chia absorbs 10 times their weight in water which helps hydrate the colon and move toxins out of the gut.
Bee Pollen
Few people know how healthy bee pollen is but it is actually one of nature’s most complete and balanced foods. This nature’s wonder is fully loaded with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones, enzymes and fats, as well as significant amount of antibiotics.
These seeds are an excellent source of manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, copper, zinc, and vitamin B-6 and B-9. It has 14% protein and contains all the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. It also has prebiotic properties which helps feed the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract, making it easy to digest. Quinoa is a versatile food. It can be an alternative to rice, grains, cereal and oatmeal, and can be used in baked goods.
This superfood delivers a wide array of nutrients and helps rid our body of heavy metals. What many people don’t know is that it is an exceptional source of vegan protein. Chlorella has whopping 58% protein, with a balanced amount of amino acids that our body cannot produce. By adding this health food in your diet, you will also get a good dose of enzymes, probiotics, and phytonutrients.
See? Don’t think that protein can only be obtained from animal produce. There are vegan sources of this essential nutrient that can supply your body a host of amazing health benefits.
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