5 Inspiring Thoughts to Start Your Week

Lisa Franchi September 15, 2014

How many Mondays did you tell yourself that you are making a fresh new start in life? Whether it’s being more productive, more positive, more courageous, kinder, or stronger – everyday, you have the chance to be so. Instead of feeling blue this Monday, start the week with a smile and optimism because this might be the start you have been waiting for! Here are some inspiring thoughts to motivate you more in becoming the person you have always wanted to be:

No matter who you are and where you are now, you have the opportunity to make a difference in the world and to yourself. Start with making this day meaningful.

Can’t think of any reason to be happy today? What about the fact that you have another day to live? Isn’t it worth being thankful of? Waking up every morning gives you the chance to think about and chase your purpose in life. Before you get up from bed and do your usual routines – take time to think about how you can make this day meaningful. Maybe you can schedule a dinner date with your best friend, start drafting a business plan, or finish the project you’ve been working on for weeks. Realise that you have just been given a gift of a brand new day – an opportunity for a fresh new start.

Most things are not as bad as you think they are.

Our brains have the habit of exaggerating not-so good things or situations. Scientists call it the ‘negativity bias’ theory. You may be afraid and overwhelmed about the new task assigned to you by your boss but you’ll never know how hard or easy it really is until you put your hands to work. Worried that you might not have enough money to pay your bills? Maybe it simply involves cutting down on your expenses so you can save more. Don’t make things worse than they really are.

Health is wealth.

Sounds like a cliché? Yes, but it’s very true. You won’t reach success or experience the fruits of your hard work if you have poor health. Just as you give high importance to your family, your friends, and all those who depend on you, you must also give enough love and care to yourself – to your body. Start this day right by eating a healthy breakfast, getting at least 30 minutes of workout and several minutes of mindfulness meditation. A well-nourished body leads to a great state of mind. On this day, make a promise to yourself that you are going to love and nourish your body more. After all, it’s the greatest gift you have ever received.

Judge others favourably. You never know what battle they are fighting.

The moment you walk out of the house, you are bound to meet or come across with different people. Some will make you feel good, most won’t. On the bus or train, some people will bump into you, take the seat you are going to take, cut you off, and won’t hold the door open for you. In the office, some will greet you with a sad face, others would even act like you don’t exist, and some will be plainly harsh on you. Make it your goal for today not to be bothered by other people’s negative or unpleasant behaviours. Instead, try to judge them favourably. The woman who took your seat on the bus might be feeling ill that she can’t take to stand, or she just didn’t notice that you’re about to sit there. The co-worker who didn’t respond to your greetings might be preoccupied with some personal issues that he didn’t notice you were greeting him. Each of us has their own battles. Just like you, it isn’t every day that other people feel fine. Our personal struggles do affect our behaviours, and we may end up hurting someone without us being aware of it. So just let little nuisances go. Don’t get too caught up with other people’s bad manners. Focus on your happiness instead.

When you master your own emotions, you master your life.

How well you manage your emotions, especially negative ones like anger, says a lot of things about who you are as a person. By giving in to the influx of your emotions, you might end up doing or saying things that do not only mess with your name and reputation, but also give you regrets in the end. By learning how to master your emotions, you also learn how to take more control over your life. And when you are in control, you’ll find balance, peace of mind, and most of all – happiness. Managing emotions may simply involve recognising and accepting those thoughts and feelings, taking a few deep breaths when you’re overwhelmed, pausing and thinking before saying anything, and taking a short walk before returning to solve a difficult issue or deal with someone that sparks your anger. When you master your emotions, you also master your life.

Hope these thoughts have indeed inspired you and made you feel much better today. Have a wonderful week ahead!