5 Habits to Keep Your Mental Health Strong

Lisa Franchi July 09, 2015

One in 4 people in UK is going to experience a mental health problem in the course of a year. And among the most common conditions are anxiety disorder and depression. According to Mental Health Foundation, British men are three times more likely to die by suicide compared to British women. Furthermore, UK has one of the highest rates of self-harm in Europe, affecting 400 per 100,000 people.

Taking care of our mental health is our personal responsibility. If you ever want to live life to the fullest, be happy, and achieve all your dreams and goals, you must make sure to keep your mental and emotional health in their best condition.

Here are some great ways to boost your mental health. Making them a habit is sure to benefit your well-being.

Be open your feelings.

Learn to share your feelings to people you trust. Don’t feel embarrassed to confide in them and voice out your struggles. These people may not have the answers to your problems, but they have the ears to listen and heart to empathise. Sometimes all we need is a listening ear to feel better and have the courage to go through the toughest times in our life.

Go out more often.

Don’t let yourself be confined in your desk. There are great things waiting for you outside. Travel. In every place you visit, you are sure to learn something. Meet new people. Interact with others. Appreciate nature. Studies show that green environments lift our mood and boost our sense of well-being. Enjoy the sun when it’s out. A 2005 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that light exposure help reduce or prevent symptoms of anxiety by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain.

Keep a positive mindset.

It’s not every day that we feel good about ourselves and everything else around us. We don’t have a full control of the happenings in life. There are days when the sun shines so bright. There are times when rain pours heavily. However, we have control over our mind. We have control over our perspective. By keeping a positive mindset, we are strengthening our resilience against life’s difficulties. There are many exercises that allow you to see the glass half full rather than half empty. They include meditation. This mind-body technique increases dopamine and serotonin levels, and boost feelings of happiness. Redirecting your focus from the negative to the positive things will help you stay grounded no matter how tough your day will be.

Stop the negative self-talk.

We all have a negative voice within. It’s the voice that tells us we can’t do something and discourages us to keep trying. You can’t shut them out. Science tells us that we are hardwired to think about negative things. The best way to deal with negative self-talk is to acknowledge what they are saying, but do not be carried away with them. Keep perspective. You are more than what your negative voice says you are.

Take care of your physical health.

Your mind and body are two inseparable things. If one is weak, so is the other. So make sure you are keeping your health in check. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly, and following a healthy diet, you can keep your body strong and healthy, which contributes to a stronger mental health.