4 Things that Make You Special
Sometimes, we get even to ourselves. We choose to see our flaws than our good qualities. We fret about how difficult life is than be thankful for the good things that happened to us through the years. We let our inner critic take over our thoughts and actions. We spend more time remunerating, thinking about our disappointments and failures, and the things we lack. We get too absorbed in the bad stuff that we forget to acknowledge the special things that make us human.
So whenever you feel down or whenever you feel like you are the unluckiest person in the world, remind yourself of the following things that make you the most beautiful creature in the world.
Kindness is innate in you.
You probably felt empathy towards victims of crimes and violence even though you don’t personally know these people. That’s because you are born with kindness. Sure you feel angry or mad at times. You feel irritated. You get difficult towards others. But deep down inside, there’s kindness. And the more you embark on that kindness, the happier you become. That’s according to a 2011 study carried out by the researchers from Harvard Business School and the University of British Columbia. They came to two major findings. First, that people in general felt happier when they were asked to remember a time they bought something for someone else—even happier than when they remembered buying something for themselves. Second, the happier participants felt about their past generosity, the more likely they were in the present to choose to spend on someone else instead of themselves.
You have the biological capability to love.
Don’t think that you are not capable of loving and being loved in return. Studies suggest that actually, you are hard-wired to do so. Not only that, when you are in love, your brain releases chemicals that give you that wonderful feeling and positively impacts your actions. Isn’t that awesome?
You can surely recover from difficult events.
Humans are such special beings. Apart from the innate qualities mentioned above, you also have the innate ability to bounce back from life’s challenges. You don’t believe? Here’s a scientific proof - a study carried out by the University of Minnesota found that human beings are naturally hardwired to recover from bad events, either on their own or with help from others.
You’re hardwired for friendships too.
No man is an island. And that’s very true. In fact, you are hardwired to socialise and make friends with others. And of course, it has lots of benefits too. Research has shown that friendships help alleviate our stress levels and improve our mood.
See? These are just a few of the things that make you special. So stop frowning and start smiling. You are more special than you think you are.
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