5 Things Fit People Never Do

Amy Taylor September 16, 2014

FACT #1: Majority of people prefer to be fit. FACT #2: Many people try to get fit but simply give up. FACT #3: Most people know what it takes to be fit but only a few do what they got to do.

Fit people are not different from you, me and everyone else. They are not superhuman beings with super powers. What makes them successful when it comes to health and fitness is the good habits they have built over time.

It is never easy to create new habits. It takes time and effort to make new ways of living part of your ‘nature’. But just like what they say, there is always a way. By avoiding the following things that fit people never do, you have a greater chance of success.

Skipping Workout Sessions

Fit people don’t find an excuse to skip their workouts. When they can’t attend a session, they sure have a valid reason. Skipping workouts will make it hard for you to build a habit, which is what you need to set your body to an ‘active’ mode. To see significant results, you need to train at least three times a week. Consider getting a workout buddy or signing up for a gym membership. Working with a trainer can help you stay on track and motivated to complete your workout session each and every time.

Doing the Same Workout Over Again

Fit people realise the need to challenge themselves, so they don’t stick to the same workout week after week. They level up! If you have been lifting the same weight for six months now, it’s a sign that you are not challenging yourself. Don’t be afraid to feel exhausted. When it comes to exercising, pushing yourself to the limits will give you amazing, amazing results.

Training with a Frantic Mindset

Fit people are confident that they will achieve their health goals. Anxiety and fear can get in your way towards your fitness goals. Don’t think that it is going to be hard, or you are going to exhaust your body. Rather, focus on the benefits of working out – your energy levels will increase, you will gain leaner muscles, and you will burn fats!

Having Poor Sleeping Habits

Fit people see to it that they get a good dose of sleep each night because they understand that sleep is crucial for their body to regain energy for their next workout. To get fit, you need to establish good sleeping habits. If you are exhausted from a lack of sleep it is impossible to exercise effectively.

Eating Highly Processed Foods

Contrary to what most people think, fit people don’t deprive themselves of their favourite treats. But, they make sure to observe proper portion control and try to find a better alternative for the snack they want. For instance, instead of ice cream, they would go with sorbet – it has same creaminess and taste with traditional ice cream, but is lower in calories. Instead of regular chocolate, they would go with dark (brands with 70% cocoa), as it is higher in weight-reducing nutrients.


To get fit, build good habits that make you more active. When you start working out, make efforts to complete each and every workout. And don’t forget to level up by challenging yourself. It’s a sure-fire way to get amazing results.  Also, give importance to your sleeping and eating habits. Make sure you are getting enough shut-eye each night, and avoid highly processed foods. With these 5 tips, there’s a good chance that you will reach your fitness goals very soon.