3 Great Tools that Help You Overcome Anxiety

Rebecca Lewis September 29, 2015

Do you always find yourself feeling anxious every now and then and couldn’t figure out how to deal with it? Anxiety is something we all experience from time to time. But sometimes, it becomes unbearable that it already affects our quality of life. Anxiety involves both physical and mental symptoms that further stress us out.

But don’t worry. You can get through it. The next time you are hit by anxiety, here are some very helpful tools that give you immediate relief:

Practise mindfulness. When you are anxious, your mind is off the present moment. It is occupied with so many thoughts of the past and the future - yep - even things that haven’t happened yet. The moment you realise that you are succumbing to negative thoughts, intentionally focus on the present. Snap those scenarios in your mind away, and just breathe. Brining yourself back to awareness is really liberating. It allows you to feel in control of yourself. So how do you practise mindfulness during stressful moments? First, breathe.

Then look down on your body. Notice your clothes, your feet, and the comfort level you are experiencing at the moment. Notice any tension you feel at any part of your body. And slowly, release the tension. Lastly, look around you. Notice the details of your surroundings. When your mind starts to wander again, bring it back to the present. Don’t feel bad. It’s normal.

Laugh a little more.

When anxiety-provoking moments strike, having an extra dose of laughter can be really helpful. Laughter is one simple and free tool that alleviates symptoms of anxiety and lifts your mood. When you laugh, the ‘happy hormones’ in your brain activate which gives you positive feelings.

It could be difficult to insert some laughter when you are already stressed out. So just like mindfulness, you want to intentionally make yourself feel better. Rest for a while. Watch a funny video or a comedy film. Chat with a jolly friend. There are so many ways to add joy to your life. And yes, it’s the best medicine.

Get rid of the grudge.

The longer you hold on to your grudges, the worse you will feel and the more anxious and stressed you become. Practising forgiveness may be a difficult challenge. But the reward is amazing. Not only does it help restore the connection you have with another person. It also greatly improves your health and well-being.

Healing takes time. Don’t push yourself if you can’t forgive. But don’t prevent yourself from forgiving when you feel like you are ready enough. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean having to acquaint with him or her again. It simply means forgiving that person for what they did and allowing yourself to move forward with life, without hurt or resentment over that person you wronged you.

Dealing with anxiety is a challenge indeed. But give these tools a try. Who knows - one, if not all, of these will ultimately free you from the debilitating world of anxiety.